Chapter 2 The Truth comes out

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James:What?! Bitch please! Why won't you forgive me?!

Halston: cuz you have changed into someone I don't wanna be around and cheating on me is so not cool!

James: you are serious aren't you?

Halston: YES!

Ariana: oh my god! Stop it please! You two should not be fighting you should be happy not mad

James: I can't

Ariana:you can't what?

James:i can't be happy i don't know why but its impossible for me I guess since im not happy I guess I took it out on you guys.... the truth is I don't really think of happiness anymore ever since me and Kendall had this huge fight i almost crashed my car And my parents are divorced I guess I lost it.

Halston: Wow James I never knew that about you why didn't you tell me?

James: I was scared you would judge me for everything and who I am

Ariana:No we would not judge you we love you!

James: no one does love me everyone hates me I cut because of it!

*James was embarrssed talking about this*

Halston: Oh my god!! James don't do that EVER no one hates you

Ariana:yeah we all love you soooo much!

James:Kendall doesn't

Kendall:Hell no! Dude we fight but in the end were like brothers! I mean yeah you piss me off but I still love you man

*you all hear a voice yell ''KAMES!"*

Kendall&James: shut up! Logan!

Logan:Nope! Haha!

Ariana:forget him

Kendall: we are

Halston: James I wouldn't be here still if I didn't love you!

*James realised that he IS loved*

James: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I was such a bitch for being an ass to you guys please forgive me! *:James is crying as he said this*

Ariana: I forgive you! *everyone forgave James *

James: Thank you guys!!! Halston I don't deserve it but can I have one more chance?

Halston:Hmmmm Yes!

*James hugged his friends and started to feel happy again*

Moral of the story: Know you are loved!


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