The end...

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  • Dedicated to Everyone <3

Well, its the last chapter of my very first story... thank you guys for all the support through everything :') it means a lot to me, so here's the last chapter...


James was walking in the street and he saw Halston, sitting on a bench

James: Hey..are you okay?

Halston: I'll live.. Just go away, maybe its best you leave me alone

James: I'm sorry

Halston: Wait...what?

James: I'm sorry, for everything I caused

Halston: You've never said that before...

James: Can we maybe.... start over?

Halston: I guess so *hugs James* I'm just happy you're back

James: I am too *hugs her*

Halston: Should we go back home now? Its cold out here

James: That might be best

They drive home, James apologizes to everyone, they all forgive him and it goes from there

"You may now kiss the bride"

Carlos and Alexa are officially married :)

Kendall and Ariana are good

Logan has his skittles to love

And James and Halston are all good

Peta is hanging out with Fox and petting him ;p

And Ariana sung The Way for Carlos' wedding

They all had Vanilla Cake

Except James, he got chocolate

They all just had fun and fell asleep on the couches

And everyone lived happily ever after...


He Cheated With my Bff **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now