You're Insane! And so are you!

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James was staring at Kendall for a while he looked at him the whole time

Kendall:Why are you staring at me?

James:Kendall look I'm in l-love with you

Kendall:Um No sorry you have a girlfriend

James:So? She's not here we could...I don't know go on a date?

Kendall:Oh please! If I was gonna be gay with anybody it'd be with Logan!

James:Woah that hurts

Kendall:I'm sorry but I can't go out with you it wouldn't be right

James: oh Kendall stupid Kendall I just wanted to stall you *Locks the door*

Kendall: Uh James why'd you lock the door?

James:Cuz I don't want anyone to stop me!

James pinned Kendall to the floor

Kendall: Ow! James that hurts!

Kendall blacked out he woke up and saw Ariana but she was hurt he ran to her she was hurt bad

Ariana:Get out of here before he comes back! He's insane

Kendall:I'm not leaving you like this!

James:*Chuckles evilly* like you would've even got out

James pulls a knife out of his pocket

James: You two think you're everything when your with each other well your not! And I'm sick of it

Kendall:Don't touch her!!

James: Oh really brave boy huh? Then first I'll kill you and then everyone you love..including Ariana

James knocks out ariana

Kendall picks up Ariana and runs as fast as he can down the hall he runs into Logan Logan hides them

Logan: He's after you guys too?

Kendall:Yes Ariana are you okay?

Ariana can barely open her eyes

Kendall sits her on the table,Her leg was covered in blood where James hurt her

Kendall:I'm going to kill James if its the last thing I do!

Logan: Its no use he's too strong

Ariana suddenly stops breathing

Kendall: Ari? Ari?! JAMES!!!

Logan: Shit! I'm gonna kill him with you! She was the only girl that cared about us I'm out for James blood!

Kendall: Let's go

They walk around the castle type shit thing and they don't see James they see Carlos and Alexa why were they there?

Logan could kinda make of what they were saying

Carlos: they won't see what's coming James don't worry about it

James: If we don't find them soon I'm gonna kill everyone! Except you two

Alexa: Thank goodness! I kinda want to be there when wedding day comes

Carlos: Yeah me too, let's go look for them

Logan and Kendall start running they see a room and go in it stupid boys they are

Kendall: Who the hell are you?!

Guy: I'm someone you don't need to know about!

Logan:tell us who you are now!

Guy: I'm your worst nightmare

Kendall thinks ''where have I seen him? Where?"

Kendall:I know you! Your the guy in my... night..mares

Guy: Haha yes I am glad you figured it out that James is my brother!

Logan&Kendall: BROTHER?!

Guy: And when James wants to kill somebody I also want t kill them!

Logan: Run run run!!

Logan and Kendall run as fast as they can but they keep hitting dead ends

Kendall: I'm not sure what to do Logan! Where do we go?!

Logan: I don't freaking know!

James: If you were smart then you would've running 20 seconds ago!

Kendall: Run that way!

They run Into James's brother

Kendall: Don't run that way!

James: Its over, give it up!

Logan: W-What do you want from us?

James: you know what I want! Give me the portal!

Kendall knew excatly what he was talking about

Kendall: I-I have it! But I'm not giving it to you!

James: Then I'll just have to kill you to get it!

Guy: It'll only hurt...I don't know a LOT!

Logan: I'm too young to die! I'm only 24!

Kendall: I'm more too young to die I'm 23!!

James: age is just a number

The two guys pass out luckily they lived but the portal was gone!

James: I was bluffing when I said I was gonna kill you,cuz there'll be plenty of time for that!

Kendall: Ow!

James slapped Kendall across the face

Kendall: Where is Logan?!

James: I told you I was gonna kill everyone you love, now didn't I?

Kendall: First you kill my girlfriend then my best friend!

James: What can I say I don't take nicely to people interfering with my plans! Where do you think Halston is? I killed the girl cuz she said I was "crazy" nobody calls me crazy unless they want to die

Kendall: Your insane! You need therapy! Rehab something!, you just need to be locked up!

James: I'm already locked up,locked up in my own mess! By mess I mean the crap everyone gives me!!

Kendall: If you want to talk about it then I'm here you don't need to go out on a killing spree!

James: I do! Because I want everyone to feel the pain I feel!

Kendall: That's really messed up

James: If you don't shut your mouth!

Kendall: I don't care what you do to me!,kill me if you want to but its not going to change anything that's going on in you're life!

James: you must really want to die for talking to me that way! Then I'll just give you what you want

Kendall fell to the hard ground bleeding from where James hurt him

Okay I tried to make this chapter longer than others please tell me what you think :) did you love,like,or hate it?

He Cheated With my Bff **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now