#03 Imagine Kai Taking Care of You When Your Feeling Sick

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You were awaken by the urge of vomiting. You sit up in bed not wanted to get up at the time.

"Deep breaths." You whispered. "God Damn nausea, you ruined my plans." Kai had left early this morning and decided to go to the store for you to grab some things needed to making you feel better.

Deep breaths weren't working so instead, you got up and raced into the bathroom, throwing yourself over the toilet. You coughed.

"Y/N I'm home. I brought some beef soup, cough syrup, and other foods. Did I mention that I got you some ice cream? Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough. Your favorite." Kai shouted from what you guessed was the kitchen.

"Give me a second." You said, still bending over the toilet. Once you felt your stomach settle down, you stood up, washed your hands and proceeded down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Kai, you didn't have to put the groceries in the fridge. I could've-"

"No, first of all, your sick. Second of all, I'm your loving boyfriend and I want to take care of you," he opened up the cough syrup. "So, take this wonderful, awful smelling cough syrup and drink it." Kai finished smiling. You groaned.

"Couldn't you get cough medicine that tasted like grapes or strawberries. This one smells terrible." You coughed putting your nose up to the cup and sniffing.

"Take it," Kai said holding the mini cup, half way full of dark pink liquid. "Maybe, when I'm done cooking dinner, we can sit down and watch a couple movies. Of course, you will have to sit about 4 to 5 feet away from me at all times."

"Kai, don't bull shit me. I can sit as close to you as I want. Do you know why?" You question. He shook his head. "Because I love you so much and I want to get you sick also."

"Y/N, I was just kidding. Don't be so dramatic, but please don't get me sick, I have things to do from day to day." He said holding his hands up in surrender.
You exited the kitchen and sat in the couch while Kai made your 'Beef Stew,' which wasn't made by the leading brand.

"I'm done!" Kai yelled walking out the kitchen. "I made your stew, cut up some apples and peanut butter, and poured you some orange juice."

"I'm sorry to say, but that's not right; I read that when your feeling nauseous you eat salty foods. I had just looked that up. It says that saltine crackers, pretzels, dry toast or cereal, ginger or lemon tea, fresh or frozen lemon slices, and or peppermint also works with nausea." You say, reading these facts from your phone. "Do we have any saltine crackers or cereal?"

Kai stood and stared at you. "You mean I made all this stuff for you to not eat?" He pouted.

"No, Kai, you can eat it. It's not going to kill you. Unless you put something in it..." You dragged on.

"I would never." He gasped. "Let me go get you some saltines and I'll eat my delicious lunch." He says sarcastically.

"While your at it, can you make me some lemon tea too. It's healthy." You shout out. "Fine. Anything for you my sick puppy." Kai says back, trying to be funny.

You get up from the warm comfort of the couch and walk over to the movie stand to pick out a movie. It's been a while since we've seen Valentines Day, you thought to yourself. Or what about The Notebook? V-Day? Notebook? Valentine's Day it is. You love that movie, Y/N. You say to yourself, referring to the third person.

"Kai! We're watching Valentine's Day!"

"Why! I'm staring to dislike that movie, we've seen it so many times." Kai whined.

"Oh boo hoo. I feel like crap, so I'm going to sit down and enjoy myself watching Valentine's Day. I'll be drinking my lemon tea, eating my saltine crackers and watching the movie whether you like it or not. I mean, you can always go upstairs and watch Criminal Minds if you want." You press.

Kai walked out of the kitchen. "No, I'm going to sit down and enjoy Valentine's Day for the 12th time in 1 year and help my Y/N feel all better." He said talking in a baby voice towards the end. You smiled pitting in the disc and starting the movie.

Due to Kai's promise on taking care of you, you were able to overcome your sickness in under 4 days. That's a new record.

Love you babes

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