The Magician

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So another 'Mr. Crush' series in my dream journal and this is actually way earlier than the last one. Let's just say I'm into magic during that time..... I guess.


In a sepia form of scenery, I decided to recall the childhood days with my best friend.

I spent most of the my days living in a moving circus, taking care of the animals. And as hard as it seems, I quite enjoyed it there. It was all made possible with my childhood friend.

Mark was an amazing acrobat when we were kids and often performed during the show. He's more talented than me.

Inside the circus, consisted of 2 areas. The Balcony and the Floor. The Floor is where the typical circus acts performs. Like the juggling elephant or taming the lion. Basically, its where cheap acts happen.  More likely, this where average people with average money in their pockets hang out and waste time.

On the other hand, the Balcony is a well managed part of the circus that is decorated with European furniture and exquisite stuff. That place stages the unthinkable and unimaginable magics and mostly people like Houdini makes his escape there. And I always had a hard time cleaning there.

Outside, Mark and I used to play in the swing and he would often juggle some circus props. While looking up in the Balcony, he said.

"I wanted to become a magician that would perform in the Balcony."

I assured him that he will do it with enough determination and passion on his dream.

I didn't see him after that day. My biological parents found me and happened to live far away from the circus. I didn't manage to say goodbye to Mark for they took me the moment they found me.

And that was several years ago.

I'm a 16 years old teenager that is the next heir of a certain company. I forgot my childhood life and moved on with it. But fate had some other plans.

As a celebration, we decided to watch a circus act in the wealthy section. The circus sounded familiar to me but I shook the thought off. As I was sitting on one of the seats, the nostalgic atmosphere bursted inside me.

The announcer presented the performer. And I weep in tears of joy as I saw him in the attire. The cape, the vest. With or without that mask, I can clearly recall him from back then.

"May I present you our veteran magician, Mark! Give him a warm round of applause!!"

I remember the exact words that he told me. That how he will be a magician. How he wanted to perform in the Balcony. And I can see that he accomplished his dream that came from a long time ago.

I smiled so widely while he performs his unexpected talent. If only he could remember me... But that never happened and we took off without saying anything to each other.


Done! You're probably thinking that I'm a lonely piece of crap, well I'm not and I just took some Infos on animes I watch and read.
Some mind I got here... -_-

Thanks for reading!! ^0^

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