Chapter One

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"Merlin, he's cute..." Rachel sighed, putting her face in her hands, and leaning into the table. She gazed over at the one and only Scorpius Malfoy, a dreamy look on her face. "Don't you think so, Mads?"

"Uh, yeah. Totally." I said in the most convincing voice I could muster. She just looked over at me and rolled her eyes, then returned her gaze to Scorpius across the Great Hall.

He's okay, looks-wise. Blonde hair, blue eyes, somewhat tall and built. Nothing special. "Stop drooling and eat your breakfast, Rach. He'll still be there when you're done with your pancakes."

She grumbled and picked up her fork, starting to eat. "I thought you said you liked him anyways..."

"I do like him a little." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, sure you do. I caught you staring at him, why are you being all weird now?" She asked with her mouth stuffed with pancakes and maple syrup.

"I'm not being 'weird,' I just lost interest....."

That's my way of saying 'hey I never actually liked him.' Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. I should start from the somewhat-beginning.

My name's Madi. Well, my full name is Madison Anderson, but everyone calls me Madi. I'm a muggle-born, from the US. ASM (American School of Magic) first year was full, so I decided to go here.

I'm talking to you from my fourth year, pretty much since this is when I decided to let you see my life. Don't complain.

I'm a Gryffindor, and one of my best friend is Rachel. We are in the same dorm and are pretty much inseparable. We are actually the only two in our dorm, and since our year had an uneven number of kids to fit in each room, we got our own! She comes from a muggle father and a wizard father, so she got a taste of both wizard and muggle worlds since she was born. She loves dance and wants to be a professional dancer when she gets out of Hogwarts.

So she dances to me singing in our dorm. Yes, I am a singer, and a pretty good one according to Rachel and Jay. I should mention Jay. He's my arm-gay. My other best friend.

He has it pretty bad here because of his sexuality. All of the stories of Hogwarts tell of acceptance, but it's a completely different place inside the walls. He's been bullied ever since he came out publicly in second year. Honestly though, with his high pitched voice, I don't know how nobody knew earlier. So he gets a few choice words threw at him in the hallway, (specifically by a certain James Potter,) and gets shoved into walls by Slytherins.

Jay is muggleborn like me, and we both love singing. Since I'm from the states, I've been to NYC. Me and Jay and are going to go there after we graduate and try to get into some Broadway shows- Rachel is going to audition for the Rockettes. We'll live together in an apartment and get jobs. Live the New York dream together, sharing take out food for dinner on the balcony at the end of the day.

But until then, we're stuck here. Stuck here as:

Rachel, whose dancing dreams are looked on as weird, and her overbearing, ambitious, and bubbly personality judged as geeky, weird, and annoying.

Jay, ( as in the words of James Potter) the "lady-man," and his interests in musicals and singing branded him feminine and made him an outsider. His sexuality makes him a target- even though he says it doesn't bother him, I can tell it does.

And then there's me: Madi. The quiet one. But you know what? I'm not quiet. I have big dreams of Broadway. I'll be a star and live with my two best friends in the best city in the world. It's just easier to be a diva in the privacy of my dorm when I'm singing then be judged for my dreams in public.

Oh, and there's the fact that I have a crush on Rose Weasley. Making me, according to Jay, a "closeted-lesbian." But whatever, she's straight, and has a crush on Scorpius. Yeah, I know, like everybody has a crush on him. It's aggravating as hell.

So I think you're caught up now. Let's go back to me and Rach at breakfast, shall we?

"Hah. 'Lost interest.'" Jay slides in next to me. "Hey bee." Bee is my nickname since I screamed when a bee landed on me when we were at care for magical creatures in third year. Just FYI.

"Yeah, LOST INTEREST." I said with a pointed look at him. He's the only one who knows I'm a "closeted-lesbian." I'd like to keep it that way.

"Is there something I'm not picking up on here or...?" Rachel asks, flipping her blonde shoulder length hair away from her pancakes.

"Not at all, honey." Jay says back to her, smiling sweetly across the table. He whispers in my ear when Rachel isn't looking (when she is reaching for more pancakes,) "Rose looks cute today."

I look down past him at the table discreetly, and see her with her long red hair in a loose braid. She's laughing at something some kid said. God, she's cute.

"Yeah." I say burying my face in my hands and trying to kill my grin and the butterflies in my stomach.

"Lady." I hear as I feel Jay being pushed into me. I look at who walked past only to see brown untidy hair. James fucking Potter. Great.

"Idiot." I call after him, earning no reaction. "Just ignore it Jay." I say to him, fluffing his brown hair.

"Hey, I just styled that. No touchie." He said, smiling at me sadly.

"These are SO good." Rachel says still stuffing her mouth with pancakes.

"How many is that?" Jay asks, disgusted, his eyes squinting at her over the table.

"Lost count at seven." She replies not looking up.

I whistle. "Wow...."

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