Chapter Twenty-One- Brothers

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"Hi-YAH!" Robin tripped Jaina's feet out from under her, tossing her flat on her back.

"Fail: Girl Lantern." The computer announced.

"Okay, just to make it clear- you won only because Canary wouldn't let me use the force." Jaina said, using her ring to fly to her feet before Robin could even hold out his hand.

"That's not how I saw it," Robin smirked, dusting off his hands.

"Ladies, ladies," Wally appeared between the two of them, holding up his hands before another skirmish could break out, "We all know that you're both very beautiful, but please, calm down."

Jaina punched him in the face.

Canary chuckled. "Very good, Girl Lantern and Robin. Kid, you should have blocked that punch."

"Yes ma'am." Wally winced, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How are you all doing in school?" Canary asked to the group at large. Robin was helping Kid over to the side, since Wally pretended to have a hobble in addition to a broken nose. Jaina stood next to Kaldur, smiling defiantly in Wally's direction.

"It's going great! We have a football game tomorrow and I'm on top of the pyramid!" M'gann cheered.

"Algebra is the worst." Artemis moaned.

Zatanna shrugged. "I'm adjusting."

"Remember, you can come to me if you need anything." Canary smiled. "I'm always here for you."

She walked off, her blonde hair glinting silver in the light of the holoprojector as it shut off. 

Jaina took a deep breath. "Have you guys ever heard of anyone who calls themselves 'Silver'?"

Wally's nose was already feeling better as he ate his protein bar. "I don't think so," he mumbled through a mouthful of food. In the next second, he had a sandwich. 

"Why, you think you might be related to him?" Artemis asked.

Jaina shuddered, remembering the dark, hollow feeling that she'd gotten when Silver smiled at her. A big empty darkness inside that she felt she'd never be able to fill.

"I sure hope not. I think I knew him, though, or at least, used to."

"If anyone knows, it'll be Robin!" Zatanna patted his shoulder.

Robin puffed out his chest in pride as he turned on the computer, and Jaina was tempted to trip him or punch him as she had Wally, but if she wanted his help, that was number one on the "Not-to-do" list.

He pulled up the names of a few villains who had "silver" in their names, or managed to have stealing or counterfeiting silver as part of their resume.

"I doubt that Silver was a woman, and he wasn't screaming at all," Jaina shot down the idea of Silver Banshee. "I think he's an alien human, like me."

Robin added those to his search, but that quickly eradicated any results.

"Only aliens we've got are Zod, and Sinestro." Robin gestured to the file pictures.

Jaina enlarged the holo of Sinestro, vaguely remembering something John had said.

"He's got a yellow lantern ring." She observed, studying the emblem on his chest and the ring on his pink finger.

"Intel says he used to be a member of the Green Lantern corp, then went off and formed the Yellow Lantern Corp after he felt betrayed by the Guardians of the Universe." Robin read from the glowing words.

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