Chapter 5 ~ Are We Bad Parents?

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One Year Later

I had been worried about Scorpius since he finished his second year. In fact, I was worried about him just as much as I was worried about Albus. Both of them had been having a hard time at Hogwarts. Scorpius was more distant than before since the summer started. Draco and I tried reaching out to him, but Scorpius never wanted to talk.

As we made it to the platform, I looked at Scorpius, who seemed bored by this routine every year.

"Third year! This is a big year!" I exclaimed as Draco was helping Scorpius load his trunks on the train.

"What's so special about it?" Scorpius asked in a rather bitter tone.

"Because you can finally go to Hogsmeade!" I replied with delight. "Your father has your permission form."

Draco took the form out of his coat pocket and handed it to Scorpius. "Here you go, son."

Scorpius looked at the form in disgust. "I hate Hogsmeade."

"What? How can you hate a place that you haven't been to yet?" I inquired.

"Love, let me talk to him," Draco whispered in my ear.

I nodded my head and walked away from the two. Instead of looking for Harry like I always did, I ran into Rose Weasley instead.

"Oh, hi, Rose," I greeted her.

"Hi, Aunt Max," she said back, giving me a smile.

"Congratulations on making the Quidditch team," I told her. "You know, I was a Chaser, too."

"Really? Were you any good?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, otherwise, they wouldn't have put me on the team again the following years," I responded, grinning at her. "So, where are your parents at?"

"Oh, they're over there with Aunt Ginny," she replied, pointing at the train. "I better get going. I'll see you at Christmas, Aunt Max."

"Okay, bye, Rose!" I called out to her, waving as she walked away from me.

I looked over at Draco and Scorpius and could tell that things weren't going well. An angry Scorpius stormed away from an upset Draco. Draco hurried over towards me and told me that we had to leave.

I didn't ask Draco any questions when we got home. In fact, he didn't want to talk to me for the rest of the night. So I kept my distance, waiting for the storm to take its course.


The next morning, Draco and I went on with our normal routine. This time, however, we didn't say a word to each other. Draco still looked upset from the previous day. I wondered what happened between him and Scorpius on the platform. What did Draco say to him? Did Scorpius lose his temper? Did they talk about him getting bullied?

I was the first to leave for work. I did my best to get to the office as fast as possible. I didn't bother to say hi to anyone. Instead, I ran as fast as I could to my office, shutting the door behind me.

Hour by hour, I did paperwork, hoping that Draco would come into my office and just tell me what happened yesterday. By noon, the door opened.

"Dra--" I started to say until I saw the glasses. "Oh. It's just you, Harry."

"Thanks for the warm greeting, sis," he said sarcastically, closing the door behind him. "I want to talk to you."

"About Albus?"

"You know me so well."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "Okay."

Harry sat down in the chair on the other side of my desk and began speaking. "Things between Albus and I are just getting worse. I mean, he destroyed his permission form for Hogsmeade right in front of me. It's like he doesn't want me to be his father anymore."

My heart was filling with pity. "I'm sorry, bro. Scorpius is becoming the same way. Something happened between him and Draco yesterday on the platform. I don't know what it was, but it didn't look good. I just wish that Draco would talk to me about it. Hell, I wish both of them would talk to me in general."

It was now Harry's turn to sigh. "Max, are we bad parents?" he blurted out.


"Are we not doing something right with our kids?"

I shot Harry a confused look. "Harry, remember when we were at Grimmauld Place the summer before our fifth year? It was after our hearing. I found you crying upstairs in the hallway. Do you remember what you asked me?"

"I asked you if I was a bad person," he answered.

"Yes. I thought you were dumb to even think that you were such an awful person, and right now, I think you're dumb for thinking that we're bad parents." I paused for a moment. "Look, we're not perfect parents, but that doesn't mean we suck at parenting."

Harry looked down at his fidgety hands. "I mean, James and Lily are fine, but...I don't know what it is with Albus."

I leaned on my desk and looked at my brother. "Things are just different for Albus. I mean, James and Lily aren't being made fun of at school. Albus is only being made fun of because he's in a House that he didn't even want to be in, and he claims that he's not even good at magic at all. He's just a teenager that's in one of those phases. He'll get out of it sooner or later."

"Max, he thinks that being a Potter is a burden. How does Scorpius feel about being a Malfoy?"

"He seems fine with it," I replied.

"Max, tell me the truth," Harry said.

To be honest, I thought about it a lot since he began Hogwarts and how his attitude was slowly turning for the worst. It was something Draco and I briefly touched on. It wasn't easy for Scorpius, having a Malfoy as a father and a Potter as a mother. It was a chaotic combination.

I eventually nodded. "Yeah, I'm beginning to think he's starting to see it as a burden, along with having the Potter genes in him as well. Plus, with this rumor about Voldemort being his father it's just harder for him."

Harry huffed a sigh. "Can you believe they think that? I mean, The-Girl-Who-Lived and Voldemort--"

"Harry, just stop right there," I interrupted. "I don't think I can get that image out of my head now."

Harry laughed. "Well, at least we know it's not true. Your sex life with Draco goes way back to our Hogwarts days..."

I shot Harry a glare. "Remember when I named my fingers?" I asked, sticking my middle finger up. "This one's name is still Harry."

A/N: Hii!

Sorry that it skips to one year later. The next chapter is gonna do that, too. Oops. Lol.

Anyway, comment, vote, XD


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