Chapter 12 ~ Separate Ways

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Okay, so now we're back to Max's POV. :)

Harry and Ginny took Albus to the Hospital Wing after he collapsed on the ground. Ron was the next one to follow them up to the castle, while Draco and I took our time walking back with Scorpius. I wasn't sure if he realized what he did was completely stupid and dangerous.

"Now, Scorpius," Draco spoke up. "Would you mind explaining to your mother and I what happened today?"

Scorpius let out a nervous laugh. "Well, it's a funny story, actually..."

"I'm sure it is,'' I said, crossing my arms.

Scorpius sighed. "Albus and I didn't want to come back to school this year. We decided to start over in the Muggle world. That didn't work out so much for us. We were coming back to Hogwarts when you found us."

"In Durmstrang robes?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"We were trying to fit in with the Muggles," Scorpius replied, making it clear that what he said was a lie. "Apparently, Muggles don't wear robes like these. Can you believe that?"

Draco and I looked at each other. I knew that he was thinking the same thing as me: What a bunch of bullshit.

"Okay, how about you tell us what really happened?" Draco inquired.

"But that's what happened," Scorpius protested.

"Really? You and Albus wanted to live like Muggles for the rest of your lives?" I spoke up.

"Well, neither of us fit in at Hogwarts," Scorpius said.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"No one wants to be friends with Albus and I. He's the Slytherin Squib and I'm You-Know-Who's son."

"You are not his son," I clarified.

"Well, why don't you go tell the other students that for me?" Scorpius retorted. "Maybe they'll listen to you two."

My heart was filled with sympathy for Scorpius. "Oh, Scorpius..."

"You guys just don't understand how hard it is for me and Albus to come to Hogwarts every year. Everyone calls us names whenever we're walking in the corridors. They say rude things about us. We don't belong here and we never will."

I sighed and shook my head. "That's not true, Scorpius, and you know that."

"It is true, Mum," Scorpius retorted. "Hogwarts isn't what it used to be like when you two were students here. Things have changed. No one cares about me or Albus." With that, Scorpius stormed off towards the castle, leaving Draco and I behind.

"Scorpius, wait!" I called out to him as he was getting closer towards the castle.

"Max, just leave him," Draco replied. "Give him some time to cool off."

I huffed a sigh, shaking my head. "I didn't think fourteen-year-olds could be so difficult."

"We were like that, remember?" Draco told me.

"Yeah, I do," I answered. "Do you think Albus will be okay?"

Draco took my hand. "He'll be fine," he responded, leaning in for a kiss.

I quickly turned my head so that he kissed my cheek. "I haven't forgotten what you said."

Draco sighed. "I haven't, either."

I let go of his hand. "Did you mean it? About Harry and I being a constant curse on the Malfoy family?"

Draco gave me a sad look. "Max--"

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