Neko Izuku Midoriya x Idol Tomboy Villain Female Reader Lemon

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~• This lemon was requested by Tosh irolover. Remember if you liked to request please comment. Also everyone in the story is now a little bit older. So Midoriya knows how to use his quirk better. The reader won't stay a villain forever and she has a reason why she is doing this. •~

~• Love Suiko •~

*Y/n p.o.v. In villain form*

These stupid people will never suspect a thing. Especially if it's my Y/N L/N their beloved idol. Why would the even think that the Madame Shadow would be me. I mean it's not like... oh wait I am Madame Shadow and I love being bad. Plus I'm not giving back this beautiful gem to nobody. I worked hard to steal it.

I better hurry though, my show is about to start. I wish I was off today I never liked the outfits they make wear. I maybe a girl but I hate skirts and the color pink.

"Stop right their Madame Shadow!!" A voice yells.

Who the fuck is that? I never seen him before. Damn it maybe he's a hero. After all this time I thought I was sneaky. Guess I got to get rid of this witness whether or not it's a hero or some nobody.

"Get out of here punk!!" I shout back. "You'll ruin my plan!!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!!"
He yells louder.

"Way to go nerd you can make pokemon references. You'll get all the ladies now." I teased.

All of a sudden I feel the ground shake. I see the boy in the air getting ready to jump on top of me.

"Holy crap!!" I yelled at him. He lands on the ground and quickly turns towards me. He runs at me while pulling his arm back to get ready for an attack. He swung his fist at me, but I had just barely dodge it.

Now leaning backwards I did a flip away from him. Eighteen minutes until my show. I can use my quirk, but it might kill him. Oh man I have no idea what to do now. Wait maybe instead of killing him I can just aim my attacks on his arms and legs.

So if he knocks out he won't be able to move and I could use my idol side to say I rescued him. The idea is to brilliant to be flawed.

But just then I feel a sharp pain in my gut. I then realized when I was thinking of a plan I froze in place with my guard down. I flew back as my back crashed into a wall. I coughed up some blood and fell to the ground.

"Give up or the next time I'll hit you it will kill you." He growls.

I lay on the floor unmoving and motionless. I have to do this when he is two feet away.

He began walking towards me.

10 feet.

He walked a little faster now.

6 feet.

He's one foot away.

2 feet.

NOW!!! I quickly got up and summoned four of my whips for each limb. The whips are now secured onto him.

"What the... " He says before I pulled him into. Now I see him perfectly his green and black hair, his light skin dotted with freckles across his cheek, his adorably innocent looking eyes and last but not least his black cat ears and tail. He is now my definition of adorable.

"I'm sorry cutie. But this pretty lady you see in front of you is not going to any jail." I said into his ear.

Before I swiftly kicked him away from me and flung him in the air with my whips. After a few seconds i gave a sharp tug on the whips pulling him back down onto earth. After a few seconds with no movement from him. I concluded he was out cold.

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