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The_Anime_Llama  tagged me in this so I'll give it a try ... 15 facts about me...

All people tagged have to display the rules
Write 15 facts about yourself and tag 15 people
It had to be done in the week you're tagged

1. I play some guitar (electric & acoustic) and ukulele .
2. I tend to consider myself extroverted because I enjoy being around people even if we aren't really interacting, if I'm alone for a long time I sometimes just wander about the house speaking aloud randomly. Although I enjoy being alone at times .
3. My most watched/favourite you tubers are Danisnotonfire, Amazingphil, Evan Edinger and Doddleoddle.
4. I'm one of those people that kinda enjoys school, mainly because I like the routine and being around people and friends, as we'll as (often) enjoying what I'm learning .
5.(copying you here sorry) One of my besties got me into music like MCR, TØP, PATD, Green Day etc. ( I've never really said it but it THANKS ) I love music now more than I have before and  I have a new appreciation for artists.
6. Often I wear odd socks because I'm too lazy to find pairs.
7. I'd love to travel the world, and own an awesome camper van, I often am dreaming of cool conversions for minibuses and stuff.
8. I like sheds, again with the conversion thing, they can be so amazing. You'll understand if you've ever watched 'George Clarks's amazing spaces'.
9. When I start eating things like sweets I generally can't stop 'till I've finished the packet and it's really bad.
10. I'm 15 years old and am going into year 11 (UK).
11. Up until a year ago I used to dance, my favourite was tap- my dance school closed down and I never got back to it. I kinda miss it lol.
12. Admittedly I'm a bit of a fan girl-whoops.
13. My favourite meal is probably lasagne, or tuna pasta bake I'm not sure haha.
14. I'm something like the 6th youngest in my year.
15. On August 12th one of my best friends ( the same as before ) and I went to watch Deathspells (Frank Iero & James Dewees) it was SO BRILLIANT yayayayay thanks it was great.
Well, I hope that was a bit interesting. Because I'm new to watt pad I don't really know anyone so I'll tag the people I'm following...
isobeljones2000 folieakenny AestheticPrince  adrenalineparty kennethaharris

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