WTH's going on..?!

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Hi this is my second story on wattpad i would apriecate any comments or votes but if you dont want to then its okay... enjoy

Ella-Mai's POV

Hi, I'm Ella-Mai I'm 18 years old and in my last year of college I have deep blue eyes and long brown hair with natural caramel highlights in. I am about 5'7and I live in the outskirts of London; as usual it is very wet, as I walk out of the grounds. I hear foot steps behind me and my best friend Leo jumps on my back. I felt the usual sparks that I had every time he touched or brushed against me. "Boo!" laughed Leo.

"Haha" I said sarcastically as Leo got off my back. I needed to get out of the rain and fast because the longer I was there the more wet and see-through my clothes were getting. As I glanced at Leo I saw him staring at me and I felt my cheeks glowing bright red, I hid behind my hair and hoped he hadn't seen me blush. I heard the beep of my mum's red Ferrari and hopped in. Mum asked Leo if he wanted a lift home as he lived just down the road from us. He unfortunately said yes and jumped in behind me. I mean yeah I'm glad that he's here it's just that my mum can read me like a book see as though I am an only child and me and my parents are extremely close.

All the way home, Leo chatted like normal and Mum kept giving me strange glances until we got to Leo's house. He thanked mum and got out giving me a hug. I really hope he couldn't hear my heart beating out of my chest. He gave me one last look something flickering across his eyes briefly but disappearing before I realized what it was. I was mentally preparing myself for the questions my mum was going to ask me when we got out the car. We turned up the drive and mum just got out the car and walked in the house. " Right?! What the hells going on?" I asked myself quietly.

When I got in my mum and dad were already sat down at our abnormally long kitchen table, staring at me. Their gaze made me blush a little. Setting down my school bag, I looked back up thankful to see them talking about something that i couldn't quite catch. I think it was something to do with their jobs. I cleared my throat and they both looked up at me i think they forgot i was there.

"Right Ellie, theres something you need to know about us," Dad began "We aren't what you'd call 'normal' if you can call anything normal."

"Edward! Get on with it!" Mum snapped.

"Of course dear, Ellie we're werewolves. Not just any normal werewolves either we are part of the largest pack in Europe and I'm the Alpha meaning your going to be the next Alpha if we don't have a son which is highly unlikely. Your mother has been telling me that you have already met your mate?" Dad said.

What?! Werewolves i thought they were only in books and films and what the hell is a mate??


Hi just little old me thats the first chapter i know i know its short but thats sorta all i thought people would like to read before voting and leaving any comments on it i hope you will but if not thats okay but it would be appreciated

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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