Ch.25 It Ends Tonight

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I'm really not feeling well but I can't postpone my visit to Cassy because it's her death anniversary. I'm a bit surprised that Salt noticed that I always wear black once a month. It's getting harder and harder for me to lie to her but I don't have a choice.

There are bunch of flowers and candles placed in front of her grave when I arrived. I'm sure that it came from her grandfather, too bad we didn't get to meet and catch up because he always come early. I stayed with her for five hours before heading back to school.

I'm about to park my car when I saw Salt in front of my dorm while talking to the guard. I immediately let her inside my car and instructed the guard to go back to his post.

"What are you doing here outside?" I asked anxiously. I leaned closer after a couple of seconds and gave her a peck on the lips when she didn't respond.

"Salt, what's the problem?" I asked patiently. She's acting weird.

"What's with December one?"

"December one?" I asked faking a confused expression. I don't know how did she learn the significance of that date to me.

"Are you hiding something from me?" she changed the question. I don't want to lie to her but I'm not yet ready to tell her everything.

"Hiding something? What are you talking about?" I said before averting my gaze back to the windshield. I don't want to look at her because I don't want her to notice that I'm nervous.

"Luna told me to ask you about the truth regarding this December one date" I groaned mentally in annoyance because I didn't expect that Luna will go this low just to take revenge on me.

"Truth about that date?" I repeated frowning.

"I don't know too! That's why I'm asking you, so don't ask me back" she replied irritably.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Luna is just making up stupid stories to get back at me because of the incident between me and Keena. Youshould know better" I lied hastily. I pretended to be upset to somehow lessen her suspicions on me.

"She told me that I am just a duplicate of someone that you loved, and she mentioned a name" my body tensed up upon hearing what she said.

"Cassy" She added when I didn't respond.

My face flushed upon hearing the name and my grip on the steering wheel hardened. I will surely kill Luna, she's a snitching bitch.

"That Bitch" I mumbled under my breath. I will make Luna regret everything that she said to her.

"Who's Cassy anyway? Is Luna telling the truth?" she asked suspiciously.

"She's a liar, don't listen to her" I said abruptly.

"Okay, I won't believe what she said to me, but" she paused. I hate it when people do that, pausing when they're about to tell something important.

"You need to answer all of my questions, and it's all about your past" She bargained. It's frustrating me that she can't just let go of my past.

"What do you want to know? I am already yours so what's the point ofasking me things from my past?" " I blurted in frustration. I want to drop the conversation, I don't want to talk about it.

"There are certain things that needs to be questioned" she argued flatly. She's right but I don't like being questioned, especially when it comes to my past.

"And there are also certain questions that doesn't need to be answered" I replied evasively.

"Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answer." I added before turning back my gaze to the front. I don't want to tell her about Cassy because I'm afraid that it will just make things worse.

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now