Chapter 3

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We get back to our apartment both with plenty of shopping bags. We put them in our room and decide on ice cream and a movie to end out perfect night. I get mint chocolate chip while Kar gets Cookies and Cream. As we are getting ready to pick out a movie I get a text from Harry, it says: I miss your face):

I text back: Go download Snapchat

He replies: Okay, my username is harry_styles

I open up snapchat and take a picture of me making a weird face and then send it to him. 

He texts me: I got to see your beautiful face! 

I text: Yes, that is the point of Snapchat

Karina and I decide on Letters to Juliet, I've never see it and that just blows her mind, because it is only her favorite romance movie. The movie starts and my phone rings . Karina looks at me with this look that I know she is thinking 'really?' and I answer it and say, "Hello Harold"

"Hi dear"

"May I help you?"

"Yes, you may"

"Okay. And how can I do that?" 

"Would you like to go out with me tomorrow?" 

"No I woiuld not" 


"Harry, I'm kidding. I have an interview at three, but we could do dinner" 

"Sounds perfect. I'll text you the details later."

"Alright see you then" 

"Bye my love" 

"Bye Harry. I hate you" 

"I hate you too babe" 

I hang up and see Karina staring at me. I yell, "I'm sorry!" 

"Give me the phone"

"But, I'm talking to Harry" 

"Give it to me" 

I throw her my phone and she catches it and puts it in her pocket immediately. We watch the movie while I think about what I am gonna wear tomorrow. Do I have a date tomorrow? No. It can't be a date because I don't date. I'm just going out... with a guy... that I may or may not like. Yeah, that's it. No strings attached, at least for now.

We watch the movie and it's not horrible, I mean it's not 27 Dresses, but I don't have it. We both decide to crash on the couches in our tiny family room considering neither of us wanna get up and move to our beds.  

I wake up to flashes and realize I'm on the floor in the middle of the family room. I hear Karina laugh and say, "Ah, the princess is up" 

I hear a bunch of laughing following the comment and immediately sit up. There I see Karina, Harry, and Louis all laughing and Harry taking pictures. I laugh and say, "How did this even happen?" 

"Not a clue, I woke up and you were like that. I laughed so hard, I guess you rolled of the couch in the middle of the night. Oh, and the boys are here for breakfast." 

"Thank you, as if I couldn't already tell." I sarcastically say.

Harry chimes in with, "No need to be Mr. Grumpy Gills." 

I get up and push him out of the way, I turn back and say, "That's Miss Grumpy Gills to you." 

I then hear Kar whisper, "Don't worry, she just needs her coffee. She is always grumpy in the morning." 

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