Chapter 4

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I walk out and grab my car and drive to the Teen Vogue HQ. It's not as big as Cosmo's, but it is still pretty awesome. I get in there and run up four flights of stairs just so I won't be late for the interview. I get to the fourth floor and am immediately greeted by a tall, thin, and relatively young man who says, "Aria Baker right?"

"That's me!"

'Well you are even prettier than your head shots"

I smile and say, "Awh, thank you"

He says, "So I know you were coming in for an interview, but the editor wants to push this shoot into this month's issue which comes out next week. So how do you feel about doing the shoot tonight? It'll be a late one, but we are up for it if you are!"

Ohmygod. Did I just land my own shoot without my mom's help? She's gonna be so proud!

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes"

Shit. My date with Harry... no career before boys Aria. As soon as you put him first your career goes down the toilet. You mom is gonna be so proud and Harry will just have to understand. They throw me right into the dressing room not giving me enough time to call so I decide to shoot Harry a text: Hey! So I got the shoot, but they need me to do it tonight and I'm really sorry, but I can't miss this opportunity!

He texts back: Oh, congrats! Yeah, it's fine I'll just cancel out reservations maybe another night.

Shiiiit. Now I feel absolutely horrible, okay uhm I can fix this.

"Hey Aria are you almost ready for hair and make up?"

"Yep! Give me one more minute."

I throw my phone on the couch and put on the first swimsuit they have for me. It's actually pretty cute, it's a bandeau that is off white with little red, blue, and purple flowers on it. The bottom is the same print with a thin ruffel at the top. I put it on and look in the mirror and I'm pretty happy with the way it fits. I hurry out of the room into hair and makeup. They give me all natural colored makeup and the perfect beach waves in my hair. And then I went out in front of the camera.

I modeled five or six swimsuits and they aren't sure which photos they want to use yet, but they told me I did a lovely job and they were incredibly impressed. HOORAY! I go back into the dressing room and throw my jeans, shirt, and scarf back on. I check the clock and it's 9:30. Perfect, okay Harry and I can go get ice cream or something. I text him: Hey! I'm so sorry! The shoot just ended I will be home in five, wanna meet up and get the ice cream you wanted this morning? Please please


He texts back immediately saying: Sounds lovely (:

I jump in the car and drive home planning out my outfit for tonight in my head. I pull in the driveway and park the car and run into my house.



"Hi Mom and Dad! What are you doing here?"

"The editor of Teen Vogue told me you got the shoot and told me all about how much she loved you and how great you did! We are so proud!"

They come over and wrap me in a hug and I try and act happy but inside I am freaking out. Harry could literally come any second and my parents will freak if they find out I am even considering dating again. It's always been about the career and after Stephen. This is not good. I have to get them out!

"Awh thanks guys! Is that all you just dropped by?"

Pleeeaaaaseee say yes.

"Of course not silly"

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