Jeff the killer

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His real name was jeffery blalock or jeffery woods we don't know anyways he had blue eyes and brown hair but This is the true story about Jeff the killer. Ominous un known killer still killing but one person survived he bravely tells his story. "I had a bad dream and woke up in the middle of the night" says the boy. I saw that for some reason the window was open even though I remember it was closed before I went to bed. I got up and shut the window once more afterwards I crawled under my covers and tried to go back to sleep. That's when I had a strange feeling like someone was watching me. I looked up and nearly jumped out of my bed there in the little ray of light elementing from my certains and there I saw a pair of two eyes. These weren't regular eyes they were dark ominous eyes they were borded in black. They just plain out terrified me. That's when I saw his mouth a long harendus smile that made every hair on my body stand up. The figure stood there watching me finally like it seemed forever. He said it in a simple phrase but only a way a mad man would say it "Go to Sleep". I let out a scream that's what sent him at me he pulled out a knife aimed at my heart jumped on my bed. I fought him I kicked I punched and Rolled around trying to knock him off me. That's when my dad bursted in with his 12 gates shot gun he aimed it at the man he almost got him. But before he can pull the trigger the man let out to the side the man threw his knife in a Bowie knife style into my dad's shoulder. He let go of the gun the man would've finished him off if One of the nehibors hadn't alerted the cops. They drove into the parking lot and ran towards the door the man turned and ran down the Hallway I heard a smash of glass breaking. I came out of my room I saw the window that was pointed and broken. I looked out and seeing him vanishing into a distance. I can tell you one thing I'll never forget that face those cold evil eyes and that psychotic smile. It will never leave my head.

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