Chapter 4: Hold Up

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Chapter 4: Hold Up
Kayla POV

"Please pass all homework to the front of the room."
We had homework!!!!
Shit I completely forgot!!!
There's a detention.

Okay so here's the deal. I'm good in school, straight A's, usually a good kid, usually. But when it comes to Mrs.Stacklebergers math class, hate it. I have good grades but math ain't my thing. Yet, it's my best subject.

"I have a paper from everyone but Kayla. Where is it Miss. Forest."
"Umm.....You show goat fell into a hole and broke his leg and we had to do an emergency surgery to save him. With all of it I only got the first two questions done. I'm sorry ma'am."
"Oh you poor thing. And your goat. Well get it to me by the end of the week and we can pretend this never happened, okay."
"Yes ma'am."
That totally worked!
She believed that!!!!
5 minutes before the bell
"I can't believe that actually worked!!"
"I know she totally bought it!!"
My besties are in all my classes so we are totally pumped about the whole story I started. They all rushed through their homework and missed a few questions and answers so they said they were trying to cheer me up and keep me from falling apart and they have till the end of the week to fix everything and "none of that ever happened." We are the best.
Alec POV
As I run through the halls a pretty little someone catches my eye. I come to a sudden stop and Joe slams into me, making me stumble forward where I knock into a ninth grader trying to steer out of our way. The next thing I know I'm on the floor.
"Dude why did you stop!!" Joe yells at me, "We gotta go!!"
If your confused, we just pranked a teacher and almost got caught. We are being chased down right now.
"Alec, Joe, Ryan and Jacob stop right there." Mrs.Stackleberger yells. I take one last look at the hot girl and start running. That last look was enough for me to know who it is. A ninth grader. Not much there for an eleventh grader.
The only problem right now is the teacher knows who it is. There is a detention.

We still run.

As I pass Kayla I see Brad approaching. I grab a hold of her and bring her in our chase. Her friends join, too.
"Who we running from?" Layla ask barley out of breath where me and the guys are almost dying.
Kayla looks behind.
"Stackleberger," she answers the same as Layla, "Idk about the guys but we can make it."

Stackleberger can run pretty fast and she is gaining on us.

"I got an idea!" Kayla yells, "Grab hold of someone making them trip and keep running. She should stop and we can escape."
We I do as told since I'm in the back. I grab hold of Skylar. The queen of the school.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" She scream as she falls, "What the heck you...." She stops as she realizes no one is there. The teacher stops and we're out the door. We keep running till we turn down the next street. Then we slow down.
"What did you all do!!!???" Kami yells at us not out of breath at all. None of them are, but they're also in the track team so, yeah.
"We...*huff*.. may or may...*cough*... not have...*gasp*... loosened the...*huff*..screws of her...*gag*... chair!" Joe yells, acting like he's dying.
"*long loud sigh*.... That's the best you could do?" Kayla questions.
"It was last minute." I reply.
We start walking back to me and Kayla's houses. She's not very impressed.
"What were we supposed to do?" Ryan questions?"
"Idk, maybe switch the papers on her desk around, switch the papers in the bins, flip her desk over. Move desk around, taken down posters.... stuff like that!"
You call that a prank?
"That's not very good." I tells her
"Well on a teacher who has to have everything perfect and no paper misplaced, they are."
She's right.
"What are you doing?"
"Well I'm trying to find out where Layla is."
"She disappeared from her house two hours ago and she isn't answering messages!"
"Sheesh I was just asking," I reply to Kayla even though I'm positive she didn't care, "anyways wanna go get pizza with me and the guys?"
Again sheesh!
"Ok well see you later."
I walk out of my room and down the stair. I shoot the guys a text
A-no luck w/ Kay wat bout u all
Jo-Karen can't
R-Layla won't answer
A- yea Layla is missing
Ja- wat and no luck w/ Kami
A- yeah Kay was freaking cause she can't find her. Said she disappeared from her house 2hr ago
R&Jo&Ja- wat!!!!!!!!!
A- yea but r we still getting pizza
R&Jo&Ja- no we better help them!!!!!!  0
A- but pizza :(
R&Jo&Ja- no!!!!!!
Kayla POV

As we search the woods for Layla we hear something come up behind us.....
Lily POV
(P.S. Lily doesn't come up)

I hear someone hop over the gate.
Maybe it's Kayla. I run out to see but quickly realize it's not. I turn to dart back to the barn but my collar is snatch. I scream at the top of my lungs for Kayla.

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