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   The girls arrive at Lenox Mall at 11:24. They caught the city bus to the mall. "We're finaly here" Jacki declared. It took soooo long. "It'll totally be worth it." "I hope so", Jayla said under her breath. "I know where I'm headed to." Nevaeh said. "Where", all the girls said at once. Nevaeh quickly replied, "The Food Court." "I'll get food later I'm hitting Bath and Body Works for some lip gloss.." Jacki said eager to go. "So Jayla." They all stared at her. "What?" "Where you going", said Nevaeh. Jayla rudely replied " Dang yall staring me down just for that. I thought maybe ther was a spider on my head." "Anyway, I'm going to the newsstand." "Nerd." Jacki said. "Just because I'm involved in what's going on in this world doesn't make me a nerd", Jayla snapped.

   "Just stop bickering, both of you", Nevaeh said as if she was the parent. "Now I don't know about y'all but I came  here to have fun, so let's get to it. First we'll go to the Newsstand, then Bath and Body Works, then the Food Court." As the girls were walking to the Newsstand Nevaeh kept seeing something appear over her shoulder. Next the girls went to bath and body works she kept seeing it. It's almost like It's following us, Nevaeh thought to herself. "What's wrong veah" (short for Nevaeh). "Oh, nothing." she quickly replied. "So why do you keep looking back." Jayla said as if she were guilty of something.

   "I just keep seeing something over my shoulder everywhere we go." Nevaeh softly said. "So let me get this straight. Jacki sassed loudly. You're trying to say somebody is following us?" Everbody in the store turned and stared. "Jacki shut up you're so loud, this is a A-B conversation and you've now included everyone in here into the conversation." Nevaeh said as if she was just tired of hearing Jacki's voice(which she was). 

   Jacki turned and looked at everyone in the store who was staring. "Problem", she said vvery rudely. I don't recall talking to any of you so why are you so engaged in our conversation? She continued. "What we are talking about does not involve you so turn around and do what you were doing before." "So veah, Jayla said calmy. Was it a man or a woman?" "I'm not sure" Nevaeh said. "So it's food court time isn't it?" Jayla said clearly trying to change the subject.

   A few minutes passed before Nevaeh had to use the restrooom. She went to the nearest restroom. Ther it was again she knew it wasn't her imagination. This time it did something. It put it's finger over it's mouth. She thought to herself, "did it hear me tell my friends is that what it's talking about?" she thought that that had to be the only thing that could've possibly meant.

   She ran into the bathroom and shut the door trying to forget about it. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She kept asking herself these questions. Who or what is it? What does it want? How did it find me? And does it peronally know me? Over and over again she kept asking those questions. Only this time she knew she couldn't tell her friends, especially not Jacki. As much as she wanted to tell someone she couldn't risk getting embarassed again.

   Even if she chose to she'd be in big truoble because it told her to keep her mouth shut. What will happen if I tell anyway? She thought. She kept thinking until she flushed the toilet and left the bathroom. It wasn't there. Where could it be? She continued to think.

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