Chapter One: Saving "Him"

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"Appa, I'm in the building. Where do I go now?" I said while looking around the dark abandoned building.

"Just head down towards a lit door."

I went walking around avoiding the guards around the building. I got to the door and saw two guards. As I was looking around me to find something to distract them a guard came by and noticed me. He put a whistle in his mouth to warn the others, but luckily I was quick enough to knock him out by hitting his head.

Wow, he was weaker than I expected, I thought to myself. Then a low groan came from where the guards were.

"Ha, that boy is really weak if he couldn't take a punch," one of the guards said to the other. I saw the whistle the knocked out guard still had and I took it. I looked around the corner then threw the whistle at the other guard.

"Did you see that?" the one who got hit said.


"I'm going to check it out," the guard said cautiously making his way over to where I was. When he looked my way I pulled his head towards me, so his body was out of view, and brought it down on to my knee. When I put the guard's body on the ground a baseball bat pulled me back, by the throat, hardly then I felt a man's body.

"So you were able to take out my friends, but you can't get past me." I realized it was the guard laughing earlier. I was losing vision the longer he held the baseball bat on my throat. I hit his stomach and he let go, shocked I had energy left. As I was catching my breath I felt something hit my stomach and I collapsed on the ground. He was about hit me with the bat again, but I gathered all of my strength and stopped it.

"I'm not done yet," I said throwing a punch at him. While he was recovering from the hit I put a cloth on his nose and he fell asleep. I went to the door and kicked it down. I saw inside a group of three surrounding a boy in a chair tied up.

Baekhyun's POV:

Just before the man punched me again the door came flying off it's hinges, and a girl with golden hair walked in. She was wearing all black with a hat and a mask covering half of her face. She cracked her knuckles that were covered with black gloves.

"So, just to make this easier which one of you is Baekhyun?" she said in a serious tone. I struggled in my chair since my arms were tied together and my legs were tied to the chair.

"I guess that is you," she said, "I'll give you all one chance to walk out of here untouched, but if you make a wrong move you'll be sorry." One started to leave, but attacked her. In seconds the man fell to the ground.

"Anyone else?" she said getting into a fighting stance. They all ran to her except one. In a minute everyone was on the ground. The one who was left went screaming towards her with a bat, but he ran out through the door instead. The girl took something out, like a gun, and shot at the guard. She came over to me and untied the bindings that was on me before.

"Did you kill that man? I mean the one you shot?" I asked curiously and worried that she would hurt me.

"No, just a gun loaded with tranquilizers to put then to sleep," she replied, "Follow me." I listened to what she said and followed her. She pushed aside a painting and went into a crawling sized hole. I followed her in. After crawling around for about five minutes we got out. She got into a black car and I followed her in. We went to an apartment building and into a room. She took off her hat and her mask and looked at me. I was amazed at how beautiful she was without the mask.

(This is how her makeup and hair looked like)

"Don't touch anything," she said in a tone that was kind

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"Don't touch anything," she said in a tone that was kind. Just then a man and a boy around my age came in.

"I am back Sir."

"Good Job, Taeyeon," a man said to the girl.

So Taeyeon was her name. It fits her, I thought.

"Noona, daebak! You were awesome!" he said gently punching her in the stomach. She winced a bit in pain. "Noona are you okay?" the kid respond suddenly worried about her.

"I'm fine. One of then hit me there. I'm going to be in my room." she said before bowing and leaving.

"Baekhyun, your father has told me to protect you with one of my bodyguards since his company is failing currently, so many people are after you and your father," the man said to me, "So I will assign a bodyguard to protect you. For now my son, Jaemin, will take you to your room to rest for the night." I followed Jaemin to my room.

Taeyeon's POV:

I walked to my room and into the bathroom in my room. I then wiped off my makeup then hopped into the shower. When I finish I sat on my bed and fell asleep with my lamp on. Ten minutes later I heard my door knob turning. My door opened and I still pretended to sleep listening to see if they were taking anything. The footsteps came next to my bed on my side of the bed. I felt a hand move my blanket, then I reacted. I hit the person's stomach and covered their mouth to stop them from making a sound. Before I looked at their face I pushed them towards a wall with my hand still on their mouth.

"Baekhyun? What are you doing in my room!" I yelled at him, "And why were you moving my blanket?! Are you trying to do something?!" He then grabbed my wrist and moved away from his mouth. I still looked at him furiously for what he was doing.

"First off, you're not even close to my type, second you winced earlier when Jaemin punched your stomach, and third I know some things in the medical field so I wanted to make sure nothing was broken you bone head," he replied calmly.

"Why would you think I would let you move my shirt to see it though!" I said still being protective.

"Would you let me check it or not? I know for one thing it's going to take longer to heal than without getting medical attention," he said in a calm voice, "So if you could please lay on the bed and pull your shirt up enough so I can see your stomach area not any higher than that."

"Just know I am not afraid to tackle you and kick you out of my room," I said warningly. I laid down on my bed and pulled my shirt up.

"Oh god Taeyeon, what were you thinking? Does it hurt?" he asked.

"No, not really anyways I'm use to it since I started being a bodyguard," I said calmly, "Why what's wrong?" I looked at where he was looking at. I saw it was purple around my stomach. He touched the area and my hand hit his hand away since it hurt.

"Did that hurt?"


"Are you sure?"

"Of course it hurt you bone head," I said in a playful tone.

"Take some medicine and rest," he said before leaving. I noticed he was blushing when he left. I locked my door and got back into bed with the lamp on.


Hey Everybody! This is me the author! This is my first time writing a BaekYeon fanfic so I'm am so sorry if it's not great, and if there is a lot of mistakes. I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye!

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