Chapter 2

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The familiar black car pulled up beside us and rolled down the window as I did the same.

"Is she still sleeping," he asked in  a hushed voice.

"Yep'" I whispered with a hint of amusemnt .

Kayla was a really heavy sleeper but she did all these weird thing that made her look ridiculous. Sometimes she would talk, sometimes she wuld sleepwalk and other times she was just plain random in the things she did in her sleepy state.

It was quiet for a while and the air was thick with tension, he knew it was his fault.

"You really scared her earlier Zayn. She loves you but I don't know if she'll want to stay with you for much longer," I said thoughtfully,"She's never went for a badboy before. I looked him in the eye when I was saying those last words so he knew I wasn't joking.

His mouth drooped at the corners and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I know that Sophie, but I can't just stop. Its not that simple."

I dropped my head in defeat.

"Anyway, I'll take Kayla back to my place in this car and Louis will drop you  home," he said sternly, he knew I would object.

"Zayn that's not fair, I'm not Louis' biggest fan you know."

He was now out of the car.

He motioned me out before pointing his index finger towards the sleek car to the right of me. I rolled my eyes and trudged over. Louis eyes met mine and he smirked. I gave him a hard glare before turning the radio up full blast so I couldn't hear him, I don't want to get involed with a person like him.

Everything was going well, we had completed over half the drive without a word being spoken between us, it was kind of peaceful with the song playing loudly. Well, as peaceful as you can get with heavy-metal music. We came to a red light and his hand stretched across to the volume button, the song faded to a whisper in the background. I froze and he started to speak.

"So, Zayn doesn't trust you with Kayla?"

"He does," I fired back defensively, "He just gets worried about her a lot."

He smiled sarcastically at me as if to say 'Sure he does'

I crossed my arms and thanked the lord as the lights turned green, we continued our drive with him trying to talk to me and I staying quiet as if I couldn't hear him. I wish I couldn't.

"Turn in here," I told him sharply as my house loomed to the side of us.

"I do know that Sophie," he replied, rolling his eyes, "I am your next door neighbour after all."

My head snapped up.

"Since when," I questioned, suddenly curious of his answer.

"We moved up here a few weeks ago," he replied vaguely, "Family matters and stuff."

I nodded before getting out of the car and practically running up my  driveway. For god sake why was it so long.

When I opened the front door my mum was sitting on the couch watching 'The Only Way Is Essex', I jumped beside her and stared at the screen. Joey was so hot.

After two or so more episodes I decided to call it a night, my mother had went to bed earlier on and as I scurried up the stairs I thought back over tonight. This continued as I lay in my bed and eventuallt fell into sleep.

(Some Time Later) AKA Next Day

Me and Kayla had decided to go shopping in the local mall for a dress for some party we were apparantley going to.

"Oh my god Sophie you have to get that dress," Kayla squeaked out as I emerged from the changing rooms.

The dress was sleeveless and black, printed with a beautiful floral design. It was really nice, I'll give her that. I don't think it was suitable for a party like this though. She must have seen my worried expression.

"It's more of a casual party Soph," I smiled and nodded.

We bought the dress and exited the store before heading towards the food court and getting smoothies.

"So I heard Louis brought you home last night," she said sheepishly, "I didn't mean to fall asleep on you Sophie I swear."

"It's okay, It wasn't even that bad. We hardly talked," I replied casually as her mouth formed an 'o'.

"Well sorry again. I know you don't like him but he is quite nice, I've hung out with him while I was at Zayns," She said quietly, "He's really not a bad guy."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I really don't care Kay."

It was quite awkward after that, we just sipped our smoothies through the thick straws they always give you. I like them.

"I'm not mad at you Kayla," I said after a while, I was fed up with this awkward silence.

"I know," she replied, "I'm just thinking."

"About what," I mumbled curiously.

"This party Soph, It's hosted by Louis you know," she whispered

I'm so sorry guys, I must seem like the meanest person ever to you. I haven't been doing daily updates and this chapter is even shorter than the last, but the next one is longer because I've got it all planned out. There will be drama at this party I tell you because Sophie does go. I would like to thank everybody who sent me in positive comments and for the people who voted. Chapter three should be up on  Sunday, tommorrow even. Duh! Well anyway please spread news about this story, or don't, I don't really care. Thanks for reading..


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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