Just Drunk

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(A/N): People still read this?! The heck?!

Disclaimer: Drunk boys are bae.


Your POV

This was just getting plain ridiculous. The brothers were drunk, no, scratch that, completely lost from their usual oden and beer dinner, now sleazily laying around in the living room. You joined them, but you decided not to drink beer this time, glad you didn't or else these idiots would've been lost god knows where.

But a part of you wished you were drunk, or at least away from them as you realized how uncomfortable it was to be near these guys in their drunken states.

"Oí! Osomatsu! Stop that!" Choromatsu yelled out angrily, a bright pink hue on his cheek as he leans against the wall for support.

"Stop what Fappymatsu?" Osomatsu tilted his head innocently, though he was drumming his fingers on the table loudly, which seemed to tick off Choromatsu badly.

"I told you not to call me that! Idiot!" Choromatsu shouted as he narrowed his eyes, ready to fight him.

"But it suits you well. Maybe even better than your actual name." Osomatsu countered back, his cheeks flushed as well.

So Choromatsu seems to get easily ticked off by the smallest of things and Osomatsu just counters back playfully, being a smartass and only riling up Choromatsu more.

"Seriously! Cut that out!" Choromatsu continues yelling at the sound Osomatsu was making as you turned your attention to someone else.

"Totty~ C'mon~ Let me see what's over there~" Karamatsu slurs out as he tries to stubbornly take a quick glance at Todomatu's pink phone.

"No nii-san~ I'm busy right now~" Todomatsu whines as he tries to turn away from Karamatsu's prying eyes, making full turns in his small spot on the couch.

Then there's Jyushimatsu...

"Woohoo! I'm drunk!" Jyushimatsu cheers out loud as he races in and out the house at sonic-speed, a random towel covering his eyes as he constantly crashes into several obstacles, only to break through them completely. The simple light hanging from the ceiling violently swings back and forth from Jyushimatsu's hyper behavior, almost literally breaking off the ceiling. A crack, instead, was left there, definitely contrasting the dried paint on the ceiling as it expands little by little.

How that light was there was a mystery for now. But this must be the sturdiest light in the world just to last a day in the Matsuno Household.

With that in mind, you finally pay attention to the infamous Darkmatsu, looking down at your lap. There, the constantly life-threatening, cat-loving scary Matsu was asleep, peacefully nuzzling your lap.

Ichimatsu surprisingly was the sleepy kind of drunk, the one that just naps around while the others are fighting. It was actually cute, to be honest, and it was easy for him to get access to your lap. Ichimatsu gently wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you closer as he mumbles in his sleep, something about a soft pillow. You giggled at his cuteness once again as you gently ran your fingers in his messy hair, getting a sigh of approval from him. 

These idiots are so cute when they're drunk.


(A/N): Sorry if this was too short! Ahh, it's been like a month and I'm staying up late, deciding to write another chapter while my parents watch horrible Spanish dubs on TV. Jeez, why does my dad put the volume up high on a SCHOOL NIGHT? *ready to fight someone*

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