Dear broken angel,
I hear your crying
Why do you let yourself get hurt?
Why do you stay with someone who treats you like dirt?
Please don't spin off the wheel
She might say she loves you
But are you sure that loves real?
Being with her will not help you heal
She brings you down a darker path
You need someone who will make you laugh
Do you know your beautiful?
Probably not
Do you know that so many people love you?
So many who will never stop
I'm here if you need me
I'll be your eyes when you can't see
Through The Dark
I'm right here
Don't be afraid there's nothing to fear
All those wounds will heal one day
All those scars will soon fade
All that blood will go down the drain
One day those tears will stop falling down like rain
And one day it will all go away, yes even the pain
I love you my angel even if your heart is broken 💖