// chapter two //

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<< rory's pov >>

I walk out of the large, ancient building, lighting up a cigarette as I move along quickly, wanting to get as far away from the school as possible. I can't believe I just sat through an entire church service - apparently a routine thing for Wednesdays - without hanging myself. 

"Hey, there's no smoking on school grounds," A high-pitched voice says, appearing out of nowhere. 

I turn around to look at three smiling faces. Internally I groan, wishing I could just run the other way. It's the Mary wannabees - or at least that's what I call them. They're the trio of girls that insist on spreading joy and the love of Jesus Christ through every conversation they hold. 

It's bad enough that I have to be around them in school, but now they want to talk to me outside of school?

"But it's okay, you're new here, you didn't know," The main Mary wannabee, Sophie, smiles at me as she reaches forward to grab my cigarette, plucking it from my lips and crushing it beneath her leather slip on shoes that look  like they belonged to her grandmother. 

I can't help but to snort. She's letting me off for not 'knowing' the school's policy. Is there even a school out there that doesn't have a non-smoking policy? 

"But we were wondering if you wanted to come over to Sophie's house for youth bible study tonight? It's an ice cream social for us all to get to know one another," Piper, the peppy redhead smiles at me.

My eyes widen as the wait for my answer. Oh god, they're actually serious. What's a nice way of saying, 'I'd rather light myself on fire than listen to you orgasming over Jesus'? 

"Actually, I can't," I grip my backpack straps tightly as I start to walk away backwards. 

"Why not?" Grace asks, sounding so pathetically desperate. 

I'm sure I'm exactly what they've been waiting for. Some lost and troubled soul for them to guide in the holy path, doing their service for the world. 

"She's got dinner plans with the devil!" A loud voice shouts from behind me, causing all of us to spin around on our heels, looks of shock all mirroring one another. 

My shock quickly dissolves away to take the form of an irritated glare at the culprits. My eyes land upon a car, occupied by none other than those idiots from the cemetery that I ran into yesterday. The blonde one wears that disgusting little smirk of his from the drivers seat. 

What the hell are they doing here? Did they drive all the way out here to bother me? I'm getting more and more creeped out by these boys. 

"Ugh," Sophie groans as she quickly scurries away with Piper and Grace in her grip, "Rory, if you change your mind, give me a call," She tells me quietly, causing the boys in the car to erupt into laughter. 

I watch as the three girls rush away from the car, fleeing as if they were in danger. My eyes wander back to the car full of the punks with their dark clothes and eyeliner. 

Were they dangerous?

They eye me up as if I were some piece of meat. It causes my pulse to quicken, though I'm not sure if it's out of fear or excitement. What's the difference, really?

"So, Rory," Luke purrs my name, a bit of information that Sophie so kindly shared with them, "You want a ride?" He offers.

As he speaks those words, the back door swings open and the curly haired pretty boy pats the spot in the middle, in between him and the intriguing boy with the white hair. 

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