Will You?

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Me and Mariah have been friends for months and its the middle near to the end of the school year I HAVE to make my move if I dont she could probably go off and meet someone else and I would be left feeling like s thord wheel or something. So at lunch I decided to tell her how I feel about her.

~at lunch~

I look around for her anxious to tell her about how I feel, in a few minutes I find her sitting with Jade and my friend Sora."Hey Mariah can I talk to you for a minute?" she was still eating I was starting to get anxious."Mariah  really need to talk to you like now. She looked at me for a good minute then she got up and followed me into the hallway."What do you want to talk to me about?" I stared deeply into her eyes wrapped my hands around her waist and kissed her. She looked really confused,"I don't understand." so I told her,"Mariah, I have held in my feelings for the longest time but I can't take it anymore, Im deeply in love with you when I see you smile it brightens up my day, when I get home I wait by my phone just to see if you called or left me a message, I would'nt be able to live with myself if something happened to you. So I have a question for you." she had an unbreakable stare," What is it?" she said with at angelic voice looking really concerned. I got on one knee and looked up at her, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I waited for an answer she got close stared deep into my eyes, it felt like she was reading my thoughts then she kissed me her lips were so soft I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her's around my neck I've never kissed someone with so much passion as our tongues massaged each other. She finally pulled away from our kiss out of breath,"Does that answer your question? " she said with a smile I chuckled and kissed her one last time before we went back to the cafeteria and sat next to each other, Sora (as the nosey one of the group) was the first to ask what happened but no one told her because if we did she would make it so noticeable and everyone would wanna know. She's kinda famous for doing that. Jade asked me what happened;"Ima tell you later" she had an annoyed face. I ignored it I was too happy to pay attention I finally have someone special someone that was mine I have a girlfriend.

Its a short chapter I know but I was rushing it and its my first book.

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