Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

       "Things are still so awkward between you two," Stacey said. "It gets so cringe-worthy."

       "Isadora is the one making it awkward," I said as I was working on a paper for my English class. "I got over it and I'm fine with what happened. She's making it awkward."

       "I'm not," Isadora objected.

       "Isa, you're acting like what happened is going to tear us apart," I said. "You constantly apologize and you're just not acting the same. I told you, it was both of our faults. Mainly yours...."

       Isadora slapped my shoulder. "Dax...."

       "What?" I asked. "Are you saying that it's mainly my fault about what happened? Because it really is mainly your fault."

       Isadora scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I can't believe you're blaming me over this."

       "Isadora, I didn't tell you what you did," I said. "I am taking partial blame because I did give Artemis more attention than you. But that was only because she is one of my best friends and while I was in juvie and couldn't see Seb quite yet, she visited me whenever she could."

       "Whoa, you were in juvie?" Stacey said. "Nice! What did you do? Rob a store? Beat up a cop?"

       "None of those," I said. "I was blamed for something I don't want to get into. I didn't do anything."

       "You're boring," Stacey said. "For a moment, I thought you actually did something cool."

       "And here I am, waiting for my wonderful step-sister to end up in prison sooner or later," Leanne said.

       "Shush," Stacey said. "I will not end up in jail."

       "You probably will," I said. "Or at least a holding cell. I've been in one before for slashing someone's tires. It was worth it. Until my brother got mad. And speaking of my brother...." I saved my paper and closed my laptop before looking at Isadora. "Seriously, I'm not mad at what happened and I don't hate you over it."

       "Sounds serious," Stacey said. "Isadora, what on earth did you do to your boo?"

       "My boo?" Isadora asked.

       "Don't change the subject," Stacey said. "What did you do?"

       Isadora sighed. "Nothing."

       "Lies," Stacey said. "You big, fat liar. What did you do?"

       "It's not your business," I said. "We got over it."

       "I still want to know what she did," Stacey said.

       "I think that's our cue to leave," I said, packing my laptop into my backpack. "Come on, Isa. Let's head home where Stacey won't annoy us."

       "I'm not annoying," Stacey said.

       "You kind of are," Leanne said.

       "You don't get a say in it," Stacey said. "You're my sister, of course you'd say it."

       "Isa and I are still leaving," I said, standing up from my seat. I then took Isadora's hand and helped her up before the two of us left the university and walked home.

       Things were honestly really awkward between us ever since Isadora told me that she and Seb. I was over it, but she barely talked and kept apologizing.

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