Chapter 1

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(A/N) Okay so this is my first story so be nice ;) and this is based on a dream i had a few nights ago where I met Harry and Zayn and they wanted me to come on tour with them so thats how I came up with the story, BTW this is a PG because it'll have swearing and stuff like that, you know what I mean ;)

Hope you like it :D

Chloe xx

Sophia's P.O.V

I heard screaming from outside,I lived outside a park so I thought it was just some kids having a snowball fight or somthing but boy was I wrong, I live in a reasonable sized house it's not too big but not too small it was perfect well I thought it was anyway, I live in a town fairly near London it's an hour and a half away so not too far the town was called Petersfield.

There was even more screaming which didn't help me because I was trying to go back to sleep I got pissed last night with my friends and now I have a banging headache but I guess I'm not gunna get back to sleep now, suddenly I heard a knock at the door at first I thought it was Katy my bestfriend but then I looked at the time half twelve nope she wont be awake, there was another knock at the door and I shot up but as soon as I got up I regretted it

' Shit, bad idea, bad idea" I mumbled to myself

but carried on going and I pulled on a jumper and my slippers and trudged downstairs, as I finally got too the door the person knocked again seeming more desperate to get in, I carfully opened the door and I saw a boy he looked about 17-18 he was panting probably because he had been running or he didn't excersise at all and got tired by knocking at the door but I went with the first one, he smiled at me exposing his beautifully white teeth and dimples, Oh how I loved dimples

I smiled back at him and he said inbetween breaths ""

I didn't know what he said but I was too busy studying his face he has dazzling green eyes that I could look in forever and a perfect smile, dimples and beautiful thick brown curly... wait I didn't just say that I have a boyfriend remember Matt my wonderful boyfriend.

I had just realized he had asked me somthing but I hadn't been paying attention so I simply said "would you like too come in?"

he smiled at me and said "I would love to"

I smiled back and jestured for him to come in, he steped inside and was looking around then after a few good minutes he said "I like your place"

he winked and I blushed a little " Thank you! ermm... sorry it's messy I sorta got pissed last night" was all I managed to say

but he chuckled and replied with " thats what they all say"

I was trying to act offened but it didn't really work so I just giggled and so did he " Soo.. why were there screaming girls outside?" I asked

but he just looked at me I think he was a bit confused about something then he said "don't you know who I am?"

I staired( I think thats how you spell it but sorry if it's wrong) at him studying his face again it looked sorta familiar but I didn't know how whilst he still had a confused look on him face, he could tell by the look on my face that I hadn't a clue what he was talking about so he tried to give me a clue by saying " errmm... do you know who One DIrection are?"

I thought for a minute and said " yeah I know who One Direction are" of course I knew who One DIrection are I mean I had gone out with Niall's bestfriend back in year 8 we went out for quite a long time if I do say so myself we went out for 9 months and all throught then Niall acted wierd and not like himself but when we were alone it was like he was back to his oldself but he would always flirt and stuff with me but yeah as the years grew on me and Niall got closer and closer but when he went on the X-Factor we had lost contact completely I have too admit it I do still miss him but it's been a year so I guess I have too face the fact that I'm not going to see him again

The boy smiled interuping my thoughts and said " Good, Because I am Harry Edward Styles from the band One DIrection" Harry had made himself taller, posed and looked extreamly proud

 But I still questioned him he might know that I knew Niall and missed him so he was trying to prank me " really?" I questioned

"The One and Only" he winked at me but he was still standing proud I couldn't help but smile at the thought that I might get to see Niall again

"Psssh... I knew that" I said trying to make myself not look like and idiot

But he answered with a "No you didn't" and pouted in a jokingly way

"Fine I didn't" I admitted and hung my head in shame I never liked loosing especially to Niall or someone I barley knew

"Look up, I like seeing you eyes thier beautiful" He said with a grin on his face I blushed a light shade of crimson

"Sooo... what's your name?" he asked me

"My name?" I asked back

He nodded "Oh my name is Sophia Fox" I replied

"Cool name Sophie" he said I was confued I had literally just said my name was Sophia

"It's Sophia" I said bluntly with a confused look on my face

"Yeah I know but it's a nickname sort of thing, I could call you... Soph if you want?" he asked, I shruged my shoulders as it to say 'I dont mind'

" Psssh...I knew that again, Hazza" I replyed and smiled at my own comment

He smiles aswell and answered with "And again No you didn't" he was now had a massive grin on his face knowing that he had won again.

I frowned and eventually said "Well I'm gunna have a shower and get dressed, do you want one because it's frezing out there if you hadn't noticed"

He smiled at me and said "Really I hadn't noticed" he winked then carried on " but no I think I'll be okay and don't be too long, I cant stay away from that face for a long time anymore because I'll miss it too much" he winked again you could tell he was 'The flirt'

" Okay, but make yourself at home, put the T.V on make a Cup of Tea, whatever okay?" I said trying to make him feel at home as much as possible

"Okay, now as I've said before don't keep that beautiful face away from me for long okay?" he winked again as he said it

I smiled and winked back and replyed in a very posh English accent  "But I have to make myself look presentable for the dashing Prince Harry Styles" I winked again

He smiled back and said copying my accent "Your awfully kind but your beautiful nomatter what" I blushed he obvioulsy knew what he was doing too me because he had a cheesy grin almost plastered on his face but I wasn't goig that easy, I walked upstairs I could feel Harry staring( still dunno how too spell it) at me checking me out but i didn't look back just kept on walking

(A/N) RIght thats it Chaper One WHOOOO!!! just remember if no one votes or whatever I just won't upload anymore so please I know this wasn't very exciting but it will be I promise and you can always help me giving ideas or what not, so you can help too just remeber Comment/vote/fan and all that shizz

BTW the next chapter will be in the P.O.V of Harry :D

Chloe xx

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