Chapter 4

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All I heard of Zayn's sentence was ' and a certain someone's girlfriend is looking for them' as Zayn said it Harry stiffened and his grip around my waist got tighter I tryed to calm him my massaging him shoulders but it didn't work very well, I had to do something but what?

" awwwwhhhh..... is someones girlfriend overprotective of them" I said jokingly and I tapped Harry on the nose, Harry chuckled and was about to start kissing my neak again " I don't think you overprotectve girlfriend and my boyfriend would like you doing that" which stopped him in his tracks, Zayn chuckled and Harry poked his tounge out at him, I wrenched Harry's arms away from my waist and sat in the middle of the boys " Now boys if you want to stay the night then I sugest you behave ]" I teased

You're really gunna let us stay?" Harry questioned

"Only if you good" I relped and winked at him

"Are you sure?" Zayn asked, serioulsy sometimes that boy is too woried about welll...... EVERYTHING!

"Yes! I'm sure, unlesss......" I took a long dramatic pause" Your not... serial killers,kidnappers or rapists are you?" I joked

Harry spoke "Well...let me think..." he took a long dramatic pause like me "No,No.....andd.....YES!" He shouted, Before I could tell what was happening both of the boys grabbed me and took me upstairs, they found my room and flung me on the bed, all I could do was giggle, sometimes these boys are so stupid, I knew they wern't rapists but before I could speak they jumped on me and started tickling me

"Stop.....Please....I can't.....Breath" I said between laughs but they didn't stop until 5 minutes later

"See we've stopped now" Harry said smirking

"Yeah like 5 minutes after i asked you too" i said still giggling

"Well, we could carry on if you want?!?" Zayn asked grining madly

"No!" I screamed  and ran out of my room but the boys were hot on my tail, as soon as I got down the staris two musually arms wrapped around me, I was expecting it too be Harry but I could hear Harry laughing  so it must of been Zayn, he was carrying me over to the sofa, WOW! Zayn is sooo musually, I like muscles.. wait... Matt think about Matt, ah shit who am I kidding he is welll fittt!

"Putt Meeee Dowwnnnn!!" I screamed

"If you wish" as he said that I was expecting to be let go and dropped on the floor but he truned around and sat down and sat me on him, Harry was in hysterics I dunno why it wasn't that funny but he sat down next to us and I flung my legs over his and he was stroking my shins

Harry shot up from his seat which really scared me "Lets watch a movie!"He said he seemed very excited

"Harry! you scared me!" I said holding my heart, he appoligised "What do you want to watch?" I asked

"Horror!" Harry shouted, Zayn seemed to agree because he nodded his head and was laughing

"Or lets not" I shouted back

"whats the matter? don't you like horror?" Harry said jokingly but I didn't like it

"No, Harrraayyyy! It's just I don't have any horror movies" I relpyed, I wasn't lying I didn't have any horror movies but I was terrified of them

"Oh.. don't worry about that, there's a blockbuster down the road" Zayn said quite proud of his discovery, I shot him a glair which whipped the smirk off his face I scowled at him aswell but Harry was confident

"Let's go and get one then!" Harry smiled sarcasticly at me, I scowled at him in return and gave him a deathly glair, His smile turned into a grin obviously amused

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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