Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V

Sophia was truly beautiful but I had no doubt in my mind that she had a boyfriend but I still flirted with her she didn't seem to mind there was a bit of banta going on too. Sophia...Sophia...Sophia... I love that name Sophia it just brightens up my day ans so does she, she's got beautiful and vibrant blue eyes I could get lost in them for years, she is truly beautiful...Wait..No! I didn't just say that I'm with Caroline do you remember her Harry she's your girlfriend.

A phone just went off interupting my thoughts, it wasn't the home phone and Sophia took her's upstairs, Oh it's mine, I answer it

"Hello?" I asked

"Hey bro it's me" he answered

"I think you have got the wrong number, I don't know a me" I said obvioulsy knowing it was Zayn at the other end

"No bro it's me Zayn" he said he obvioulsy thought I didn't know it was him

"Oh, Hey bro... what's up?" I asked awaiting an answer

" yeah... umm dude.... WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" he souted down the phone

"Okay mate calm down" I said smirking to myself "and if you must know I am at a girls house" I then replyed calmly

"What so you've dumped Caroline?" he asked a little too excited, I dunno why mabey he likes Carloine

"No, why do you ask?" I replyed too his stupid question

"Oh... No reason, but won't she like kill you if she finds out that your round a girls house?" He asked

SHIT! I forgot about that ermm..."She won't if she doesn't find out right Zayn!?!" I said, It was a Rhetorical question but Zayn felt the need to answer anyway

"No... well she won't find out by me!" I was confused at that point but I like Zayn he's more like a dog, not that he looks like one or anything but he's just so obedient and always does what he's told and I mean ALWAYS 

"What do you mean 'well she won't find out by you'?" I mirrored his voice perfectly, I was still so confused

"I mean if she doesn't find out by the paps" SHIT! I forgot about the paps they can't leave me alone at the moment

All I could say was "Oh.."I was done in

"Sooo... Hazza,Haz,My man, My best mate" he said, I could tell he wanted something as soon as he changed the subject

I sighed " What do you want Zayn" I asked, he knew what I ment by it

"How do you know I want something?" He replyed, I could tell he was smirking when he said it

"Because I know you,Zayn" I did know his soo well, it was like I could read him like a book

"Oh well can I come and meet your girl?" he put the empasis on 'girl'

I sighed "She's in the shower at the moment" I replyed

"Well shout up too her then!" He was smirking again and this time I felt like I was the dog

"Okay, Okay, I'll ask but I can't guarantee a thing,Okay?" I said questionly,I hoped she would say no, I like Zayn and everything but he would ruin the mood between us

"Good boy" he said, I scowled and he cuckled, Oh how I loathed when he won, I covered my hand over the speaker

And I shouted up to Sophia 'SOPH!"

"YEAH?" she shouted back

"ZAYN WANTS TO COME OVER AND MEET YOU!" I shouted upstairs again

"OKAY I'M JUST DRYING MY HAIR AT THE MOMENT SO TELL HIM TO COME AND I'LL BE READY SOON, OKAY?" she asked but still shoutedeven louder then before

"Okay" I simply said and took my hand away from the speaker to talk to Zayn again

"Well.." I began to say but he cut me off

"Yeah, yeah, I know, so where is this place then?" he asked

"Oh, well, you know the park?" I asked but didn't bother for and answer and just carried on " and near the little play thing with the slide, there are houses behind it, it's there and I'll stand outside of the house so you know which one it is"

"Kay, see you soon then" he replyed

"Yeah, I'll wait outside the house now then yeah?" I asked but to be honest I knew the answer anyway

"Yeah" He replyed quickly it wasn't bluntly but it was something else I cant really explain it

"Okay bye" I said quckly

"Bye curly" he said and hung up the phone


(A/N) Okay so this is the second chapter, the next one will be back in Sopha's P.O.V (the normal one) and she'll meet Zayn, Okay.. please Comment/Vote/all that shizz


Chloe xx

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