Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Clara's mother is pictured above for those of you who don't know what she looks like -- I explained it in Book One. Along with their relationship. Anyway, here we go!


Clara couldn't believe it. She never thought that she would have ever returned home up until this very point. She had road in the back between both men whom she had kicked to the dirt earlier that night. Nobody said anything as the ride came to a stop and she looked through the front window of the van.

She sighed deeply as one of the men opened up the van door and stepped out, motioning her to follow. She climbed out of the back of the van and her feet came to hit the seemly fresh cut grass of the lawn. The pebbles of the turn around drive crunched under Jimmy's feet as he stepped out and closed the car door behind himself.

He straightened up his suit that he always wore before looking over at Clara, who seemed extremely displeased with being here in front of her mother's home.

It was a country house that sat a few miles outside of Belfast. It was large; large enough to where it had what was called "wings" instead of rooms. The whole building was made out of mortar -- which was a fancy type of stone -- and it was different shaded, but all an earthly color.

The house had been a family home of hers, one that she had hoped to once forget all about. As you entered the front there was a staircase that came straight down onto a cobblestone path that lead out to the driveway.

A large white fountain sat in the middle of the path which made it into one large circle around it. The different shrubbery surrounded the pathway, causing the person who didn't wish to take that path at hand made them have to walk through the brush.

"Well, best not keep tha' Queen waiting."

Jimmy said perking up as he motioned for Clara to walk beside him along the pathway. The walked up to the front doors. Large and long windows with different colored glass held it all together as they surrounded the large oak like front door.

Jimmy run the doorbell that had been installed into the older style -- basically castle -- and waited for someone to come open the door.

As it opened, Jimmy and Clara were both greeted by another IRA man, who seemed rather surprised to see them both here.

"Mr. O'Phelan, sir!"

The man greeted surprised to see Jimmy at Mrs. O'Shay's door.

"Is Mrs. O'Shay home? I've brought 'er lill lost bae back home."

Jimmy said tilting his head to the side slightly as he smiled over at the man. The man turned and looked at Clara and knew instantly who she was he nodded his head quickly and allowed them inside.

Jimmy's men had also came inside and stood by the door. The man looked at the two of Jimmy's men baffled before he went off to get Mrs. O'Shay.

Clara gave a quick puff of air as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked around the place. It hadn't changed one bit from when she use to live here. The lavish wood flooring that stretched all through the place.

The long rugs that were red and trimmed with golden tassels on the end. The many random family painting that were spewed through the whole house -- some dating back long before even Clara's grandfather was born.

Then there was the random vases and other decor that was scattered through the place as well. Everything inside was covered in dark and glistening wooden panel walls. In the main waiting area it was a wide open space, but off to the left hand side there was a staircase that made an "L" shape that stretched out along the balcony that sat across from them above their heads.

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