CHAPTER 8: The end

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Well, his plan worked. I have never gotten a single threat after Kyungsoo announced that I was his "girlfriend" to the whole school.

As days pass, we got closer to each other. Since I'm his fake girlfriend, I spend most of my time with him. Sometimes I forgot that our relationship is fake.

He just treats me so well.

No doubt I grew feelings for him over that period of time. His affection towards me just felt so real.

But all good things must come to an end.

Ever since graduation, we went our separate ways and lost contact of each other. We've all moved on with our own lives and the days we spent together in our last year of high school will just be a memory.

Even though our relationship was fake, I felt that there was a bit of genuine feelings.

At least that was what I felt...

It has been 4 years since we've last spoken to each other, and I've never stopped thinking about him for the past 4 years.

I'm just sitting on a bench by the beach, watching the sea as the waves crashes through the shore. The wind mingling with my hair as I let out a sigh. All of the memories coming back, wanting to see him at least once. Wondering how was he doing. Where he's at. I wonder if he ever wondered about me.

These thoughts came to me while I'm enjoying the view and the breeze.

"Long time no see."

All of my thoughts have been broken when I heard a deep voice. I looked up to the source of that voice and found myself staring at a familiar face.

I smiled the brightest I've ever smiled and we just stayed like that smiling at each other.

-The end-

LAST YEAR OF SCHOOL (EXO - DO KYUNGSOO)Where stories live. Discover now