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Sexy Seabass👺



Heeyy Satan 



Sexy Seabass👺


Nicola 💕😍 

soooo what seb?

Sexy Seabass👺 

i didn't know that you had  boyfriend...

Nicola 💕😍 

what are you talking about??

  Sexy Seabass👺

you didn't tell me that you had a boyfriend.. i shouldn't have flirted at you..

Nicola 💕😍 

i don't have a boyfriend.. you dork

Sexy Seabass👺 

oh. really??

 Nicola 💕😍

yes sebby

Sexy Seabass👺 

sebby aye??😏  

Sexy Seabass👺 

but thank God that you are single tho..

Nicola 💕😍 

why are you thanking God that i'm single??😂 

Sexy Seabass👺 

so that i could ask you out on a date..

Sexy Seabass👺 

sooo Nicola will you go on a date with me??

Nicola 💕😍 

i'm sorry seb but i can't

Sexy Seabass👺 

what??? why?? i thought you were siingle???

Nicola 💕😍 

damn. calm down sebby. i was kidding..

Sexy Seabass👺 

wth.. you scared me.. 

sooo. is that a yes?

Nicola 💕😍 










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