Part 1 Escape one

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"Open your legs," he repeated.

Knowing what he is going to do I reply, anger clearly in my voice, "No I don't think I will," I spat.

"It is either this or more whipping?" knowing that I only have a choice between those two I surrendered looking away and spread my legs. Luckily I am clothed. Yet anyway hopefully he will keep it that way. I felt my face redden when he put the vibrator on my crotch. My hands were tied back so I couldn't stifle my groans. Not that I like this I hated this wish I could punch him in the fucking face! My groans are from wanting it to stop simply. I feel my groin getting harder and I hated it the feel of that while having him using that blasted vibrator. I gritted my teeth to hold in the sensation my body is feeling. I hate this guy. I hate him for making me feel this sensation and pleasure with the wrong reasons. I hate him for kidnapping me.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" he sneered.

"What the hell do you think!" I snapped, "I am not liking any of this!"

He puts down the vibrator on the nightstand, "Good because I don't want you to enjoy it,"  I close my legs but he smacks them apart with his hands. He sneers while looking down at my hardness now, "Your cock says other wise though. Oh well it is not your fault you can't control it from having fun," he snickers at me, while licking his lips.

I look away as I bit my lip from the sadness I feel from inside me. I don't need to show weakness infront of this guy who wants me too suffer for his own glory. I stay still and strong. Eventually it will be over either by escaping, being killed or I kill him. I look at his belt where a dagger is kept. I look up at him who was licking his lips while undoing my pants and sliding them down around my ankle. He looks over at me, "I didn't know you were interested in cocks?" he sneers.

I shot him a glare, "I am not!"

"Then what was that gaze at my crotch just now?"

I gasp when I realized what he meant, "That..." I need to make up something and quick, "well...I been looking at your belt."

He looks confused as he looks down on himself for a sec, "What about my belt?"

I look away from his eyes, "It is interesting," on that part I wasn't lying about his belt. Black and has metal spikes, "Sorry if I confused you so too your answer is no I am not interested in men."

 He pushed me back in the cell with only my pants on and underwear. I fell too the ground on the cold hard ground my left knee hitting the concrete. That will leave a bruise. I look over at his mask as I whip my face around. He turns his back to me, "You will be attending dinner with me tonight," he hissed in a low tone.

I snort at this, "And I am not going."

The mask guy whirled around, "That wasn't a question it was an order!" he walks out of the room, and slams the door for me to hear. Which hurt my ears a little.

I sigh and got on the bed which I found okay as I lay down. "Hey," I hear the lady whisper in the cell next to me. I look over. She was holding her daughter in her arms, "thank you for saving my life," I see her eyes trailing on my back, "Do they hurt?"

I nodded as I lay on the bed. I remembered her thanking me for saving her and in return I got whipped, "I would of felt like a monster if I didn't help you. You are here because of me."

"Yeah because I wanted to stop him from taking you."

I whirl around to look at her,, "Why would you help me? A total stranger who you don't know by that fact."

The lady looked down at her sleeping child, "Because the scene happened in my tent it was happening in so I took action. I knew that man was suspious while looking at you. Then going up to talk to you. As a mother I notice those things."

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