Horror Of the Past

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I walk in the opening of the village. It was peaceful and quiet. Children were chasing eachother. 'Is this what the village used to be like?' so lively and warm. The sun was shining above. I look around there was no blood looming the streets no bones inside the apartment that I decided to check out.  It felt weird to see this village with the horror of a past being well less empty. I look over to a couple that had a child around 9 or 10 with them. He was looking up at the sky which made me look at what he is looking at. Horror filled my eyes as the sky loomed with smoke. I look back down at the boy who was wondering about the sky. He looks over at his mother who was shopping at a supermarket with his father beside her. The boy grabs her sleeve. As she turned around to look at him he pointed at the sky while telling her something. I got closer to them. I hid behind a wall so they won't see me. I watch as his mother look up at the sky with uneasiness. "Wow that's alot of smoke dear," her husband turned to look where she was looking and gaped, "where is the smoke coming from?" I wondered that too. 'Why is there smoke in the sky?' Then I realized something growing louder in the distance screams in the forest. The smoke was coming from the forest! It started burning in the way distance. I look over at the boy who noticed the smoke rising. People started getting frantic.  The village fire department started opening there garage. People moved aside for their fire fighters to drive by. I didn't know there was a fire department in this village. People were running out of the village to see what was going on. I look over at the boy who was just watching. His parents beside him. I felt something about the air. A chill. 

Screams were heard in the distance. People became frightened on this. I look over at the boy who with shock was next to me. 'When did that happen?' it seems like he didn't notice I was there. The boy's eyes became dark with his eyes wide. I look over where he was looking. The people that had been running over to the scene of the fire roaring in the distance came back running with terror filling their eyes, "Run!" is what someone was screaming, "run!" 

A man in the village walked up to the man who was frightened, "What happened?" 

"It was awful the fire fighters were killed their heads missing! Someone murdered them!" 

I knew who it was, "Listen to him!" I shouted, "get out while you still can!" they seem to not hear me. I look over at the boy who was staring at me. "You noticed me haven't you?" the boy nodded as his hand been grabbed by his mother. Her and her husband were running trying go into hiding. I look at where they were hiding. A old wooden shack that said work shop. A black car was nearing the village.  Two guys step out. One who was Victor caring  a sword the other an ax. I covered my mouth, "I know that 2nd guy from somewhere?" I thought hard to remember him but couldn't put my finger on it. People were screaming running away knowing who they were. They were the killers of the fire fighters. I could see blood stains on the ax and clothing. They don't seem to see me as I watch  the scene before me. It was frighting to see everyone running from them and the ones they caught they slayed. Blood looming the streets. They were nearing the work shop as they pounded the door in there were screams inside. I run over to them wanting to help but with what? I saw a piece of wood next to the entrance and swung it on the one with the ax head. They didn't turn around they kept their eyes on the couple.

Then I realized that the boy was no where to been seen. 'Where is he?" I shone in horror as the ax came down onto the man's arm as he was fighting them with a hammer. His arm that is now a stump bled to the ground. The man cried as he clutched his stump with his remaining arm. His wife wrapped her arm around him crying as she watched one of the men looking down at her with fearless eyes and a grin to his lips as he sways the sword at her. Her body split in half. Her husband cried out for her as her eyes became blank. She had no thought left just one last cry as the sword split her.

I wanted to get out of here but something held me to stay I wanted to know if the boy was alright. Wanted to throw up at the sight of the woman's now lifeless bloody corpse her husband crying over her as he clutched his stump. He looks over at Victor with a flare in his eyes, "You will regret this day forever!" he chanted at him. Victor grins licking his lips, "Oh am I?" he sneered as he nods at the one holding the ax who swung it above his head, "oh I don't think I will," the ax came down upon the father's head. His head rolling on the ground. His body slumping down as blood poured out of him seeping throw a hole in the floor. "Hold on?" Victor says, "there is a door underneath here." I figured that is where the boy was hiding. "Lets give if someone is down there a gift shell we?" he smirked at the one holding the ax. The ax guy nodded with a grin and a giggle. I felt a chill creeping up as I look over at the corpses and wanted to throw up. "Listen you continue with killing off the people here and I will take care of this?" Victor says. The ax guy nodded with a grin as he went out of the shop. I look over at Victor as he opened up the door that let to a small basement that had two tunnels. Victor reaches in his pocket for two small 'bombs?' he set one to explode in a minute as he throws it in one of the tunnels and the other bomb in the other tunnel. He walks out of the shop his bloody sword in hand. I look over at the boy's parents' bodies the head of the father a few feet away. I heard a explosion underneath. The bombs have exploded. 

I groaned as I open my eyes. Reid was next to me holding my...'Hand!' I was shocked at this gesture. "So your awake," he sounded...'Relieved?' 

The night of Victor haunting me that night crept back in my mind and the sword that he plunged into me. I look at my arm which was wrapped in a white bandage, "Reid?" I breathed out.

"Yes?" he asked.

"My throat," I groaned, "need water." He nodded and grapped a glass pouring some water in it from a jug handing it to me. I realized I wasn't in my room, "Where I am?"

"Your in my doctor's room. He took care of your bloody wrist." I nodded as I look down at the sheets. Reid took the empty glass from me setting in on a nightstand next to me, "something on your mind?"

"What happened to Victor? I remember you came into the room and then I plunged into darkness."

"Victor is a a evil spirit that  is haunting my mansion. He won't bother you anymore though," he reassured me. 

"That wasn't my question though?'" He sighed. I look down at his hand which was bandaged. "your hand," I whispered out shocked, "what happened?" 

"I had to get you away from him somehow didn't I."

Omg he rescued Danny from Victor. That is stunting news to me :O

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