The Bracelet

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He shut the curtains. Locked his door as I waited on his bed. This was the first time I been in his bedroom. I look around. There was a black chair. Black desk next to a dark blue curtained window. Dark wooden floor like the color floor downstairs. Two red book shelves filled with books from top to bottom. I look over at him who was leaning on the window pane. Is he really going to show me what hides behind his mask. He walks over to me. He shakely goes behind his head trying to undo the tie to the mask. I stood up grabbing his hands away, "Let me?" I said. He crossed his arms on his chest as I worked the knot he ties it good. I managed to get the knot free after a minute. "Are you sure about this?" I wondered. 

He nodded, "Do it before I change my mind," he replied back. He was shaking a bit as I ever so slowly removed his mask. I gasp at what I saw. He had a burned scar all around his eye going down to his cheek. "Is it alright if I touch it?" he nodded. I touch his burn on his cheek. "It must of been painful?" Reid nodded slowly. I look at the burned mark on his eye, "Can you still see in that eye?" he nodded. I was relieved by that. "How did it happen?"

"It happened on the same day my village got slaughtered," with a flash I remembered something in my dream when I dreamt about that horrible day the boy who is now Reid was trying to hide under that door in the work shop. I remember Victor throwing bombs in both tunnels. 

"There is something else I dreamt of that day when I dreamt of the Village after I saw your parents get killed," I could see his eyes now they were so blue like ocean blue. I also could see the expressions he is making, "I knew where you were hiding under that wooden door. Victor realized or thought someone was under there so he decided to throw bombs. It was the bombs wasn't it?"

Reid took my hand away from his face so he could sit down on the bed, "Yes I got burned from the fire I didn't know it  was a bomb though thought it was something else that caused the flames." 

I nodded, "It was. At least in my dream it was." I sat next too him giving his mask back to him, "are you ashamed? Is that why you wear this mask?"

He looks down at his hands, "After I got this scar I had people being afraid of me. There is a town  30 minutes away its where I buy food and such. When I was a boy still I biked there to buy things that I needed. People kept watching me it felt like they were spooked about my scar some made fun of it behind their back."

I touch his face for some reason and it did not make sense on why I did that, touching his burned cheek. He watches me from the corner of his scarred eye, "I am not afraid or spooked by your scar," I reassured him, "to be honest it kind of makes you mysterious," he snorts, "you shouldn't be ashamed of your face," I told him while tracing his burned tissue. 

"Your the first one who actually told me that," he looks at his rough hands.

I smiled at him, "You should of heard it more often," I let go of his face. 'Did I see disappointment in his eyes?' "Listen Reid I want to help you," I heard myself say not knowing why I said it after it left my mouth.

Reid looks at me fully, "You want to help me?" he wondered surprised.

"I want to become friends with you and help you out with taking down Marcus." Reid looks down at his mask putting it up to his face, "Here let me?" I offered I went behind him he let me tie his mask back on. I felt a shiver down my spine. 

"So you want to help me after what I have done to you?" he wondered surprised, "why?"

"For the longest time you haven't done anything to me and since Victor attacked me and you saving me I am starting to forgive you," I sat back on the bed next to him, " So I was hoping to become friends and partners?" his masked face turns to me probably shocked and surprise with probably some confusion on why I am telling him this, "you probably are wondering why I want to help hunt Marcus I am thinking? Well like I said I don't like someone upsetting or hurting you and seeing those scars on you it made me furious. The thing is," I touch his hand, "I want to help you kill him." my heart skip a beat when saying that I want to kill. "I want to help you carry out revenge," I grinned at him as I touch his face underneath his mask. I do not know why I am touching him so much today but for some reason I don't mind it or care why I do it for that matter all I know is that I want to stay by Reid's side.

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