Kings Cross

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I instantly ran inside to tell my mum, dad and brother about the strange letter. What made the situation weirder than it already was is the fact I live in Australia and getting to England on a plane is a 23 hour long flight.

Then something happened that almost made me scream , in our fireplace stood an old man with a long white beard that almost touched the floor , moon shaped glasses , wizard robes and what appeared to be a wand. I kept telling myself that it couldn't possibly be a wand , I was snapped out of my thoughts when the strange looking man suddenly levitated things out the way of the fireplace to get out. There was no denying that this was real magic , the man who I learned was Dumbledore then offered me a lemon drop which I accepted graciously, I had to say goodbye to my family , Dumbledore then apparated us to kings cross then disappeared without a trace and left me with only my luggage and my ticket.

After wandering around aimlessly and looking like a lost puppy I just sat down on a seat thinking maybe this wasn't real.
After what seemed like years sitting there, a boy with fiery red hair and piercing brown eyes extended his hand to help me up he told me his name was Fred and I told him my name ,  he took me to platforms nine and ten , when we got there I saw eight other people with fiery red hair, what caught my eye was a boy who looked exactly like Fred.

Fred helped me get to the platform and we went into an empty carriage and talked about pranks , life and everything in between , we then ate berrty botts every flavour beans and we were at Hogwarts in what felt like no more than ten minutes.

Then came the sorting ceremony........

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