Chapter 29: Resolution

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Chapter Rated: T

The morning after the storm washed away yesterday's news, emotions, and stories. Arendelle was expecting the sun to come back after the heavy downpours and wild roaring thunderstorms, but, an endless widespread of overcast clouds stretched over the mountain range of the city. In the Frost estate, the driveway wasn't packed like it was yesterday. The property was back to being only a household of four.

Jack let out a grunt when he rolled out of bed, beginning his morning stretch and exercise. A couple of arm and leg stretches, one set of push up and crunches was what the doctor, aka his sister, ordered him to do. Sophia recommended him to keep up with his morning runs while his schedule was slow in the morning.

She definitely wanted him to be around for a long time. Jack still chuckled here and there whenever he remembered his promise to her - that he will be still around to walk her down the aisle during her wedding. As much he hoped that day would one day come true, he wasn't ready to let go of her when that time comes. He's still making up for all the years he missed during their time of separation. As long they managed things around their busy schedules, they'll manage to be alright and be there for each other for a long time.

After warming up his body for another busy routine at work, he reached for his phone to check any messages, emails, or voicemail that was left overnight. His inbox was filled with nothing but emails from work which he'll look over whenever he's at work. However, he received a voicemail from his uncle Pitch. With his eyebrows raised, he pressed the play button to hear his uncle's message. Beyond the sudden white noise in the background he heard his uncle's husky voice:

Hello nephew, I'm calling you to see if you're able to meet up later on today. I know you might have a busy schedule this week. But do call me whenever you have the time. I would like to apologize to you for making you storm out all of a sudden yesterday. I agree that we must do something about this family matter together and privately. Again, call me whenever you have the time, please. Alright, talk to you soon.

Jack closed his phone, settling it back down on his nightstand. A train of thoughts arrived on time in his reckless mind to begin his day of endless thinking.

Should I call him back or not, Jack wondered.

Then a list of advice from friends came to mind. They wanted him to finally find closure over his family's burden. His old friends, his second family actually, don't want to see him chained up to his family's dark past until his very last breath - they believed Jack deserved so much more than inheriting pain and struggle.

He reached for his phone and checked his schedule before calling Pitch. After his morning meeting with the finance department, he was free from any meetings before later on this week. From the look of things he was flexible to have a personal meeting with him. The numbers on his phone's clock, stating he has no longer than two hours to get ready for work before running late again. As if it was any big deal for him and the company.

As soon as Jack arrived at work, he asked Emily and Geo to call in his team to meet with him in the conference room to start his finance meeting. He was patiently waiting at the very front of the room when the two grand double doors gradually opened. At this meeting, he planned on talking to the head of the finance department along with his mentors and colleagues; Tooth, Sandy, and Fergus. Zazu followed the three as they navigated their way to where Jack was sitting. They gather around the nearby seats like knights coming together around the king's round table as they wait for the young CEO to speak.

"Good morning everyone I called you all in today to not only discuss about the company's mid-month performance, but, would like to bring up an old case that has been neglected to be brought up in recent meetings." Jack opened up with standing from his seat.

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