Chapter 7: Hello Old Friend

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Day one was very overwhelming for Jack. The moment when he arrived at the airport to where he bumped into an old friend. Then before ending his day, he watched episode that unfold at his father's company. Even the sudden encounter of his best friend seemed to be like a blurry dream that was still humming furiously inside his restless mind.

"Just because of a stupid will, they choose me to run a corporation. Why didn't they get Bill Gates to do it?" Jack pondered.

The manor was empty like he last remembered. Even though it was once packed, those times of spending time with his family was nothing, but, a distant memory. Since that tragic accident, through Jack's eyes, his parents slowly distanced themselves from him. He noticed how they made the amount of staffs smaller. But, the most hurtful act they've done was separating him away from his little sister. Neither the couple wanted either of their children getting hurt. But, Jack didn't assumed that was his parents' orders. He believed that he transformed into a monster that needed to be kept under control.

Jack quietly strolled down the second floor, passing by his sister's bedroom. Since yesterday, he hardly saw her at all. Sasha told him that she'll be returning home by this evening from visiting France. The Frost has some relatives who lived down in Provence, mainly in Jack's father's side. At the end of hallway, little Anna was waiting for him, happily twirling around like a ballerina as always.

"Ah, good morning Jack!" She greeted.

"Morning." Jack pleasantly returned a smile.

"Are we going to meet up with Hiccup, today?" Anna asked curiously.

"Around lunch time. I have to meet up with Hawkins this morning," Jack told her while climbing down the stairs.

Anna followed him down to the foyer. "Can I come?"

Jack paused for a moment. Should I let her come along, he thought. "Yeah why not."

Anna jumped up and down with excitement. After putting on his shoes, Jack walked outside to the garage. With the pressed of a button, the manor's large garage doors divided into two, moving to the side, revealing the line of parked cars inside.

"Pick one," Jack smiled at Anna. At first, Anna didn't understand what he was talking about, but, later on, got it. Jack asked Robert last night if he could drive any of his father's collection of cars. Without letting the young man say another word, he handed the key and remote to the garage. He knew his father would one day give Jack and Sophia the right to own his price collections.

"Let's take that one. You love the color blue," Anna rushed over to a royal blue sports car; a Maserati. Jack walked over to the beast, rubbing it's side like a magic lamp. He let out a wolf whistle, "You got some good taste of cars for an eight year old."

Anna didn't understand what Jack meant, but, she laughed it off because she was glad to see Jack lightening up for change.

Jack punched in the codes to open a safe from underneath an old wooden table. He pulled out a metal box that stored the keys to his father's cars. Jack took out a key chain with a small trident attached to it.

With a simple beep, the Maserati's lights lite up. Jack opened the driver seat door. Anna had a hard time opening her's. So, Jack quickly rushed over to her help.

"Okay get in princess. Please put on your seatbelt," Jack informed her. "Will do dad," Anna snickered. Jack simply rolled his eyes and ran inside the driver's side. With the turn of key, the powerful beast roared. Jack smoothly pressed on the gas and they were off.

Arendelle changed over the years. Jack rolled down the windows to let the summer morning breeze tickle his skin. Anna let her small pigtails flutter against the wind. They drove through a busy market street, packed with morning shoppers and sellers. Even though, it was the main street of the town, it's where the sleepy village started its day.

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