New Girl My Ass

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Pic of Maylee

  I walk in with a cute cutoff white shirt with a tiger on it and a red bandeau underneath, I paired that with  designer ripped skinny jeans, some red heels and to top it all off some gold hoops. My hair cascades down my back in slight waves and I have the hole student body's attention on me, not exactly what I would call "inside my comfort zone." As I walk past guys act like the animals they're and wolf whistle making me want to cut off their lips. I walk with my head held high even though I want nothing more then to rip off these stupid heels, and go back to my normal pony tail and some comfy clothing, but nooooo I had to agree to this stupid deal of hers. She is lucky I love her.

  As I continue to walk I hear a lot of perverted comments about my ass (yes I know I have junk in the trunk) and girls talking about how I'm ugly and they don't know why guys are tripping all over me (haters). As I continue to walk towards Maylee's locker to meet her and her twin brother, Orel there I feel someone tap my ass making me turn around about to cuss someone out when I realize its only Kim, and Ana. 

   "Damn, this plan might actually work. You look so good that if I was lesbian I would totally tap that," Kim says with a wink making me shake my head and laugh a little. This girl is seriously crazy. Ana walks around me staring at me from top to bottom in disbelief.  "Wow, you are really pretty, gorgeous even, I would never of guessed with all that tomboyish clothes you've been hiding behind..."


"Now here's the rest of the plan sissy, you need to be involved in cheer leading since he is the Basketball and football captain it will 1) make it easier for him to notice you and 2) Get a close up observation on how his games work. When he first tries to talk to you ignore him and talk a little to none, when he continues trying to talk to you try to make yourself a complete mystery, even be a little rude and shut him down, guys love feisty chicks-" I snort cutting my sister off in the middle of her sentence making her raise an eyebrow as if to say 'what'

    "So basically act like how I usually do?"  The girls all share looks before turning back to me and nod their heads.

   "Yeah, pretty much just be more lady like, slow down when your eating your food isn't going to magically disappear you know," says my sister giving me a little smile before continuing- "Cheer leading try outs are after school today we are looking for a replacement since the Ford twins have moved schools. Even if your not good your in since Ana can pull some strings, we just need you to try out so it won't look suspicious." I nod my head in understanding before saying goodbye so I can meet my friends where we usually meet. When I see them I decide to sneak up on them to see what they are talking about.

   "Where is she? She's never late," Says  with a slight frown.

   "I don't know, why don't you tell me me, it seems to be a girl thing," responds Orel in a bored tone as his eyes are glued to a redheads breast making me want to flick him in the head, but Maylee beats me to it.

    "Stop being so rude," she fuses at him as he just scuffs.

   "Hey," I say grabbing their attention as they both turn around to face me.

"Who may you be," asks Orel with curious eyes.

   "Oh I don't know maybe a girl by the name of Cat Storm that you have known have your life. Does that seem to ring a bell to you?"

"No way you can't be her."

"Well I am."

"Prove it."

"You know what you dumb ass idiot if you don't stop being smart with my I will take a pencil and shove it so far up your ass you won't even be able to shit it out,"I say getting agitated with him. Maylee and Orel look at me with shocked looks before Maylee shakes her head and recovers from her staring.

   "Yup, that's defiantly her, no doubt about it. Anyways what's with the new look, you look different with all that cute girly shit going on."

"Two words, my sister."

"Yup, that explains a lot."

    Orel shakes his head as a smirk makes its way on his lips. "Well you look hot."

   "Uh thanks," I say not use to a compliment, especially from that asshole who I shamefully call a best guy friend. Sad, I know boo fucking who...

  Note the sarcasm.

  Maylee opens up her mouth about to say something just as the bell rings making her smile and hug me before saying goodbye and starts dragging her complaining brother a long with her. I smile at my best friends craziness before heading to class my own self. In Ms.Murphys Chemistry class sitting at one of the seats in the very back. As a wait for my usual partner, Rae, to came I lay my head on the cold desk and let out a sigh. I barley have my head down for two minutes when I hear the chair next to me being pulled out. Me thinking its Rae, who is early compared to her usual lateness, makes me look up only to have my eyes widen at what I see. No Fucking Way. Adrian Is sitting next to me and not his usual 'partner' Milly. What has this world come to???

   "Can I help you," I ask with a bored expression set on my face. With a wink he seats down.

   "Actually yes you can, see its this really beautiful girl I just sat next to and I wanted to know if she's interested in me being her lab partner." I raise an eyebrow as to say 'seriously' as I look at him knowing he's waiting for me to giggle and blush like one of those idiotic girls. Well if he is then he is out of luck, the only giggling I will be doing is when I tell his ass off and he looks surprised and wondering why I'm not falling for him. I am literally immune to hotness, have you not seen my sister? 

   "Well I can tell you she is not the slightest bit interested." For a moment he looks shocked as his eyes go wide right before he goes back to normal

"What are you a new girl? I've never seen you around before," he says making a topic change.

  "New girl my ass, we have went to the same school since Pre-K."

   After I said that it seemed to shut him up, thank the lord because he was pretty annoying. Just Cuz you look like a Greek God doesn't give you the right to act like one no matter how perfect you look

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