ch 7

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Chapter 7

Akuma P.O.V

            “Well what are you guys saying?” I asked getting very annoyed with them.

            “He is okay with me Akuma, just as long as he doesn’t hurt you.” Itachi said.

            “Like I care.” Sasuke said which made me frown.

            Naruto looked very relieved by what Itachi said, because he isn’t afraid of Sasuke. I decided to show Naruto around while Itachi finished dinner, since their parents and rest of the family died in a chemical spill in their building. When Naruto and I reached my room it was kind of messy but who cares that’s just me. I wonder what my sister’s room is like.

Yama P.O.V

            “Why would you have three Yamaneko?” Sasori and Konan asked at the same time, while Pein just looked uninterested.

            “I think that I have three because I have an old soul and because I am my clan’s prodigy.” I said and that made Pein interested.

            Deidara then burst in the door and grabbed the three of them and left. I sat in my room alone for about a good twenty minutes before Temari came in with a bag that held something in it. I looked at it curiously and she smirked.

            “What’s in the bag Temari?” I asked.

            “You’ll see. What’s with that cat?” She asked noticing Naktu for the first time.

            “I’ll tell you later when it’s just us and the girls. So are you gonna show me what is in the bag or no?” I asked.

            “Huh? Oh yeah! Come to my room everyone will be here soon and Gaara told me that he was going to help you with something.” She said and started heading for her room.

            I followed behind not bothering to look up when I was suddenly pulled into a room. Apparently Kankuro and Gaara had just gotten home and Temari did not want them to see me yet. She was holding my mouth until she heard their doors close she lifted her hand from my mouth.

            “Temari what’s going on?” I asked very irritated.     

            “Take a chill pill. I didn’t want the guys to see you yet.” She said reaching into the bag and taking out some swimsuits.

            “What are those for?” I asked.

            “We are heading down to the lake with everyone.” Temari said and more girls came into the room.

            “So which one is mine?” I asked.

            “The black and blue one with a cat on the side.” Hinata and TenTen said.

            I grabbed the one piece swim suit and put it on while everyone else got ready in bikinis. Akuma was standing in the corner not looking happy at all. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder.

            “Hey Akuma-chan what’s wrong?” I asked.

            “I don’t have a swimsuit.” Akuma said while blushing.

            “Temari we have a situation!” I shouted.

            “What is it Yama?” Temari asked coming over to me.

            “My sister doesn’t have a swimsuit and I haven’t learned any clothing spells that work with my demon magic.” I said looking down sadly and thinking that my sister couldn’t swim with us.

            “It’s alright I picked up a spare one piece in case you didn’t like the one you are wearing.” She said showing us a black and green one with a dog on the side.

            When we were done we all hopped out of Temari’s window with towels wrapped around us. We were sitting by the water’s edge for about thirty minutes when the guys came. Akuma and I didn’t take off our towels because we were the only girls that were embarrassed to even do so. Naruto pulled Akuma’s towel off of her and threw her into the water. I was laughing my butt off until I was thrown into the water myself with my towel still around me. As soon as I popped out of the water I saw Gaara standing there and smirking. I decided to have a little water take my towel back to shore, so it could dry, and a different amount of water grab Gaara and drop him in the water.

            As soon as I did that I was being splashed at and was grabbed from behind so I couldn’t defend myself. I struggled until I was pulled under the water and turned around. I glared at Gaara then had the water separate us so that I could breath. When I got to the surface I took in a deep breathe and waited for Gaara to pop up. When he didn’t I got worried and dived back into the water. I saw him slowly sinking and looking like he was out of air. I started to go after him, and although I never learned how to, I was swimming towards him. When I got to him I used the water to create a little mask for him so that he could breathe.

            We surfaced after five minutes and everyone was shouting our names. I took Gaara to shore so that he could dry off enough to get the sand off of him. When he was out of the water and safe I hopped out and decided to help a little.

            “Gaara-kun i’m so sorry! I didn’t know that your sand was still on you.” I exclaimed while hugging him after his sand was off and he was dry.

            “It’s alright Yama-chan I should have waited to throw you in until it was off, so really it was all my fault.” He said hugging me back after the surprise he got after the sudden contact.

            Temari came over and started examining us because we were under water for a while. When she was satisfied with her check up she dragged us back in the water. I was using some demon magic to splash everyone when I was suddenly on Gaara’s shoulders and lifted up out of the water.

            “I thought that you didn’t know how to swim Yama-chan.” He said while everyone else got the same idea.

            “I didn’t, but when I saw that you were sinking in the water an instinct kicked in. I guess.” I said looking a little embarrassed.

            We had started the chicken fight and it was down to just two pairs of people. I looked at Akuma and she looked at me. I was smiling knowing a little trick to help us win. We started for each other when Naruto slipped without my help and Gaara had slipped as well. We all fell into the water and popped back up instantly. I felt something scaly move across my foot, so I freaked a little and climbed onto Gaara’s back like I had done at school.

            “G-Gaara-kun I think that there is something in the water that isn’t a fish.” I said.

            “What do you mean Yama-chan?” He asked looking at me.

            “I mean that it crawled across my foot and I felt an evil aura coming from it.” I said.

            Everyone got out of the water then and I searched for the spot that it was in now. I lifted up the water that I had caught it in and it looked like a weird snake shark looking thing. My eyes got wide and I had decided to put it on a near by tree until it dried up but making sure that it stayed on that tree I used some demon magic to keep it there. Everyone was soon relieved and went back in the water. I decided not to until I was thrown in yet again. This time I was pissed and looked back to see that it was Kankuro this time.

            Soon it was time for everyone to go so we all got ready for bed then went our separate ways (everyone went back to their respectful homes). I walked into my room after a nice hot shower to see Naktu sitting there awake. I looked at him waiting for him to talk, but when he didn’t I walked over to my drawers and grabbed my pajamas.

            “Yamaneko you should really stay out of the water.” He said after I was dressed.

            “Why do I need to stay out of the water?” I asked looking at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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