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So they said they don't wanna be with you anymore and its totally over? Well, that's not an issue. People come and people go even those we care so much about and its probably gonna hurt so much as in REEEAAALLY hurt but the most important thing is not to bottle it up. Most people make the mistake of keeping the pain in, LET IT OUT!. Its okay to cry you know? Its okay to scream it out, wail if that's help, scream if it will make you feel better. Don't bottle up all that emotion inside of you, it really not healthy because you are gonna crash someday. You are not a robot, you are a human being with emotions so its okay to feel hurt, it's okay to wanna cry, it's okay to cry. Cry it out, don't claim to be a big boy or girl and keep it in. Letting it out is the first stage in overcoming that hurt you feel. Music also helps in getting your pains out. Listen to the music, remember the good times, the bad times and the end time. I bet you, its just a matter of time before the tears come flowing. Don't hold back, don't clean your tears before it's all out. Take out that negative energy so you will be able to rise above the pain and move on to the next stage of your life.

STANDING TALL AT THE END OF A RELATIONSHIPWhere stories live. Discover now