~Instructions For Understanding Story!~

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Wow, hey! I can’t believe there are only a few people listening to this instead of skipping it. xDD Anyways, thank you person for listening. So, in this story I am mixing ages and a lot of things. Let me start with ages:

NAME:                        AGE:

Miku H.                       17

Rin K.                           17

Len K.                          17

Meiko S.                     17

Luka M.                      18

Kaito S.                       18

Gakupo K.                  19

Gumi                           17

Teto K.                        17

Neru A.                       17 (ok she didn’t need to change? o-o)

Okay so those are mostly the main characters and their age changings. Hope you don’t disagree. If you do, get off this book >.> So this is most that is being argued about…Drumroll, please……dun dun dun dun! COUPLES! Yes, couples. Well this is something that you need to read about. This is instruction panel, not a cheater panel. Lolkwhut. So yeah. There is more characters then the ones above, but I was just listing to main characters. By my memory. xD So I might forget some, IDK. Oh well. Moving on? Let’s get on with writing. If you see:

((A//N: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))

By the way, the ~~~~~~~ is for blah blah other words who cares ._. k? xD So that means “Author’s Note”. Most of you beginners for wattpad don’t know so, yeah. Next thing is:



….hmm…what are “POVS”? When you say “Kaito’s POV” or something, that means when they have a chat like “HEY BAKA BLAH BLAH BLAH!”, they get to talk in their head, BUT with writing showing here. Confused? Example:

*Kaito’s Pov*

I walked to my locker as I opened my book bag. I didn’t know what was worse. The girly book bag my mother had made me use, or my locker..*cough* neighbor..

“HI LOCKER NEIGHBOR!” the annoying girl said in a high pitch voice.

I looked to my left to see her with a big smile. She had pink long hair with soo many ribbons in her hair. ((A//N: Sorta like Yui from Angel Beats! Kay c: ))

“Did you know that I bought this skirt from justice?! Oh yeah my mom did my hair so it could look REALLY EXTRA cute for school today! ALSO, my uniform was straightened but it got kinda crimpelled when I wore it. Dangit balls!........” and she said some other stuff that I didn’t care about. Not that I cared about the thing she talked about earlier, just…whatever—WAIT DID I JUST HEAR “BALLS”?!?!....

And end of that example. Awesome, right? Yeah. sad to say but it won’t be one of my stories. *mouth makes click sound* hehe. Any who, that is most of the information that’s needed to tell you for now. Whoever is reading this, I just want to thank you for listening to me and reading this instead of ignoring it! J Have fun with reading this story. I sure had fun with making this up (: Btw, they aren’t vocaloids from the start! O: Lol, you heard me. They become Vocaloids and Miku becomes the first Japanese vocaloid. I love Meiko, seriously. But I wanted to make a twist in this story. Really. So don’t think I’m making miku the first because I “like her more” I love them all fair and square, kay! I LOVE MEIKO. I LOVE ALL VOCALOIDS FROM CRYPTON AND NON CRYPTON. Btw, when it shows *throws away paper*, that means that their doing actions. xDD Kbye.

 *BIG NOTE: This is PG-13, I accidentally put PG when it wasnt ;-; So don't read this if you aren't bad ass. Oh shit. SHIT. SHIT o.O Dont tell your parents <.>*

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