I raced straight into the pharmacy looking for the pregnancy tests, I ran down the aislie and grabbed several different types, I ran up to the counter the girl serving me had a disguisted look on her face, she didn't need to judge they weren't even for me Jasmine was to upset to get them herself so she made me drive here...I ran straight upstairs and into the bathroom dropping the bag in front of Jasmine, "Ok you do your thing and when your done open the door and we can sit and wait"I said to her. I shut the door behind me and waited outside, good thing Tom and Taylor had gone... "Ok i'm done" Jasmine called out. I walked back inside ready to wait for the results...
I had just started eating the pizza when Tom came back downstairs, I looked up and noticed he had a really pained expression on his face "Tom are you alright?" I asked "Yeah, I just feel sick" He replied, "I hope you haven't caught what Jasmine has"I said, "Believe me I haven't"He said. We finished up the pizza and decided to head out we were just leaving at the same time Alex bounded out of the house obviously in a rush "Where are you going" I yelled out. She completely ignored and sped down the road. Gosh that girl was unique...
The wait was intense I sat there with Alex trying my best not to freak out but of course I decided to let myself think, what if Taylor left me, what if Tom hated me, I couldn't raise it by myself. "Ok times up"Alex said, "Can you look at them for me"I asked Alex, she stood up and checked every single last one of the tests, I watched her looking for signs of what it could be but typically she wasn't giving me anything. She turned around and looked at me, the short wait was intense. "Jasmine, you are going to have a baby"...
Even though I was hanging out with Taylor and having a fun time, I couldn't fully enjoy myself, I was worried this is what I feared the most, if Jasmine was pregnant I would make sure I was there with her no matter what, Taylor better not disappoint me... We made our way back into the house to find Alex and Jasmine sitting together in the loungeroom, tissues thrown around everywhere, Jasmine looked up, tears obviously apparent in her eyes. They both stood up, Taylor walked over to Jasmine and hugged her "What's wrong Babe?"he asked. "Taylor, i'm pregnant"...
Today is history, tomorrow is a mystery ( ON HOLD)
RomanceWhen your brother is Tom Felton and his bestfriend is Taylor Lautner there going to be trouble!!! One night is going to cost our teen year's!!! One night stand with Taylor ends you being knocked up!!! Dose Taylor stay or leave??? That is the thing o...