Last Friday Night!

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" Go get dressed there is a college party tonight and you two are coming " said Taylor

"Is there going to be cute collage guys there?" said Jasmine

" Umm your looking at them" said Tom

" Haha and that is who? Are you in Alexandra? " said Jasmine

" Us -.- " said Taylor

" Sure i'm in " said Alexandra

" When do we have to be ready by? " said Jasmine

" By five and it's a black and white theme" said Tom

" I will come back,I will go get my dress " said Alexandra

*1 hour later*

*Ding dong*

"I will get it" said Jasmine

*Opens the door*

"Hey girlfriend" said Jasmine

"Girlfriend?"said Taylor

"Beats being yours" said Jasmine

"Haha" said Taylor

" Ready to go and get ready? " said Jasmine

"Yes" said Alexandra

* We went get ready*

"Ready?" Yelled Tom

"Coming" Yelled Jasmine

*We walked down the stairs*

"Wow" said Taylor

"Double Wow, my sister looks hot and her friend" said Tom

"Shut up" said Jasmine

"But your smoking hot" said Taylor

"Dude she is my sister!!" said Tom

" Your looking hot Alexandra" said Taylor

" Thank you" said Alexandra

*We got in the car, ready to make our way to the party...*



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