Never Say Never

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"...You should be happy and relieved that it's him rather than a stranger"I said to Tom. He looked at me, he had an expression on his face that I couldn't quite figure out what it was. "I think your right Alex"I replied. "Yeah I know I am, haha. Now let's go have some fun before we go home and talk this out" I said. We made our way downstairs and came across Tom's friend Draco, "I will be back Alex, just going to get a drink" said Tom as he walked towards the kitchen. "So I haven't seen you around before?" said Draco, "Yeah I just came back from overseas, I used to live here when I was younger, i'm staying with my cousin Taylor. I replied "Oh yeah Taylor, cool dude, do you want to go have a dance" "sure"I replied. This would be the start of my relationship with Draco...

"Wow! That was amazing" "Jasmine?!"Taylor asked. "I love you so much and even if we can't be together after this I just wanted to let you know that I think you are wonderful and absolutely beautiful and I know that if we can't be together, we sure will be in another lifetime" Taylor said. "I love you too and absolutely agree"I replied as I kissed him. "Let's get downstairs and get Tom and Alex and go home, I think it's time we get this talk over and done with"I said. "Yeah I suppose your right"Taylor replied... We walked over to the door, just as I was about to approach the stairs, but Taylor grabbed me and turned me to face him, "Just one more kiss"He whispered...'

I watched as Draco and Alex danced together, her laugh making it's way across the room to me. Oh I shouldn't be thinking this, I have a wonderful girlfriend but I never get to see her, maybe it's time to move on and maybe just maybe it could be with Alex. Who am I kidding even I could see that she and Draco are having a great time, I give him props he moves quick and he knows how to choose them, I should just leave it be I suppose. Why is life so hard for me. I just want someone to be here with me that I could love, I was hurt a while ago when my girlfriend had cheated on me, that's why I don't want Jasmine to have a relationship i'm scared for her.I gave her a second chance and it's going just fine, maybe I should go on a road trip and visit her...

"Just one more kiss"I whispered to Jasmine, she looked up at me before planting those luscious lips on mine, we kissed passionately before pulling away to gain my breath back. "I will keep this memory" she said to me. We made our way downstairs to look for Alex and Tom to head home, this will be an awkward car ride home. Jasmine said she will look for Tom and ride in the back of the car with him. So I headed over to Alex on the dance floor. I tapped on her shoulder, she turned to face me. "Are you ok Taylor?" she asked "Yeah i'm fine, we have to get going" "Ok" she replied as she turned around to face Draco. "So I guess I will see you later" she said to Draco, "Yeah sure will" He replied as he leaned down and gave her a kiss. "Hey, not in front of me"I exclaimed as I dragged Alex away and walked outside to find Jasmine and Tom sitting in the car. Alright lets go home and have this talk...

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