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The ride to Ashton's house was too quiet. I can't believe he invited Holly. After we park I just don't want to get out. I get out slowly and trudge behind Ashton to his door. We walk in to Calum sitting on the floor with his laptop.
"Sup." he says, his eyes not leaving the screen.
"Sup." I reply in monotone.
I sit down next to him while Ashton goes to the bathroom. Probably to put on cologne or some shit like that.
"Holly is coming over." I tell Calum.
"I'm guessing you don't like her." he says chucking.
"She's all over Ashton and he hired her. if I walk in on them fucking in the back room I'm-" I was cut off by the door bell ringing.
"I'll get it!" Ashton yells from the hall.
"I will stay out here so you don't have to do this alone. And I want to see if she's hot." Calum says winking. I smack his arm hard and he winces in pain.
Ashton runs to the door and swings it open. Holly stands there in a tight grey crop top with high wasted shorts. Her hair was down all curly and her makeup was very natural. She looked amazing. I suddenly grew very self conscious and I looked away.
"She's ho-" Calum starts.
"Shut up." I mumble.
Ashton guides her onto the couch next to him. He has the biggest grin I've ever seen. My heart slowly sinks into my stomach as I watch her return the smile.
"So Holly....what's your life like?" I ask trying to get to know her before I judge.
"The average life I guess." she says all giggly. I was hoping she wouldn't be like this. But she is. God I actually had hope for her. As Ashton asked her about her family and her hobbies, I completely blocked out the conversation.
"Why don't we go out to eat?" Calum suggests saving me from my boredom.
"Yes hell to the yes!" I say standing up running towards the door. Ashton grabs his keys and Holly grabs her purse. Calum and I run to Ashton's car like little kids racing.
After waiting 43 years for Ashton and Holly to come, we decided to actually speak to each other.
"How do you like her?" i ask.
"She' you want the truth?"
"Of course i do."
"Oh my god i've never heard someone so boring and annoying. Thank god she has the looks or i don't even know." he says letting out a long breath.
"I actually had hope Calum,but she's you know." i say hanging my head down. About two seconds later Ashton and Holly are at the car. We get in and start our drive to a random diner. My phone dings and i look down at the bright screen.
Calum: I have a plan. You in?
I scrunch my face up in confusion.
Tess: Depends....if it involves murder i'm not your girl.
Calum laughs and he shakes his head no.
Calum: its the simple jealously game. works everytime.
Tess: Calum! That's so mean i don't do that.
Calum: just try it. i'll be your fake boyfriend.
My body goes stiff as soon as i read the text. Shit. He's right but what if it ruins their friendship somehow? What am I even talking about, Ashton won't even go for me.
Tess: I'm in.
Calum looks at me and smiles.
I chuckle and Ashton stomps on the breaks. We all jerk forward and yell.
"What the fuck Ashton?" i scream
"Dude!" Calum screams as well.
"sorry there was a squirrel." he mumbles but that's clearly not what happened. I give Calum the look and he gave me it back.
"He's just really messed up on all the heroine." Calum jokes and we all laugh except Ashton. We arrive at the diner at 8:00 and Ashton is still in his mood. after being seated and ordering our food Calum finally takes Ashton aside and asks him what's up. I try to listen but Holly interrupts.
"So.....What are the plans for work?" she asks twirling her blonde hair. I totally forgot i had work with her. I'm about to just hand this store to Ashton. We don't even have a fucking name yet.
"I don't know." i mumble.
"What the fuck is your problem?" She snaps. I jerk back and my mouth drops.
"Excuse me." i say taken back.
"God you're just jealous that i can date ashton and you can't." She says with a smirk.
"I can fire you so you better watch your fucking mouth." I say standing up.
"Ashton is my boss too." She says. I just walk out. I didn't even get to eat my french fries. I really wasn't expecting that to be honest. I walk by Calum and Ashton having a deep talk. Calum immediately runs after me to see if i'm okay.
"I can't stand her. She's a bitch! she said that i'm jealous of her and that i can't fire her!" I yell.
"She did fucking not!" He yells. I nod my head and pull out my phone.
"I'm calling an Uber." i mumble.
Ashton runs over and Holly follows behind.
"Tess what did you say to Holly?" He snaps. Of course, i'm not even shocked. It's so typical for him to actually take her side.
"I told her the truth and sure as hell told me what she thought about it."
"Ashton you didn't her the right story." Calum says. Ashton rolls his eyes and goes back into the restaurant.
"I'm already sick of her bullshit." I say as soon as our Uber pulls up. Calum and I get in and start to head back to his place.
We walk in and we sit down in the couch next to each other. Calum orders Chinese food since we didn't get to eat our food.
"Well tonight was eventful." I say with a big sigh.
"Don't you have to work with them tomorrow?" He asks.
"Don't remind me." i say rubbing my temples.
We hear a knock on the door,thinking it was our food, i open the door.
There stands Ashton and Holly.
"Why are you still here?" He snaps at me.
"I thought you were Chinese."
"He's clearly not! He wasn't born in China." Holly snaps.
"Oh my god." Calum says. I can't help but to laugh a bit. She is actually so stupid. I can tell by Ashton's facial expression he's trying not to laugh.
"This isn't your house." She jumps in again.
"It's not yours either." Calum jumps in.Oh shit.
"It's actually my house and you guys can somewhere else tonight."He continues standing up.
"No it's fine, i'll leave." I mumble pushing past them out the door. it's not like i was looking forward to the Chinese food or anything...who am i kidding i'm so hungry. I call another fucking uber home. After i get home i walk in to Jordan on my couch. he was laying down watching some crime show that was on. I laid down next to him and sighed.
"What is it?" He asks. I told him everything that happened. Every heartbreaking thing.
"Don't fake date Calum." he says looking at me strange.
"Why not?"
"If Ashton gets jealous that could ruin a friendship, i would know."
"True." i sigh putting my face into a pillow.
"I know who you could fake date!" he yells.
"Oh my god don't say—"
"Me!!!" He yells even louder.
"Dude my mom is home" i whisper.
"No she isn't" he says rolling his eyes
"I'm already staying with you. Ashton and i aren't friends so it won't ruin anything. Also i know you told him about our past so it's more believable." He finishes. i hate to say it but he's right.
"Me, you,and Calum could be the three musketeers." I say laughing.
I text calum the whole idea and he texts back,
Calum: okay...i'm coming over, i swear i can hear them making out and being all giggly.
Jordan and I get out popcorn and any other food we have for all three of us. Calum pulls into my driveway and barges in.
"What am i going to do about work tomorrow?" i ask.
"You could hire us." Jordan says with a mouth full of popcorn.
"Yes!!" Calum yells.
"Its yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas." i correct.
He rolls his eyes and throws popcorn at me.
"Ow you asswipe! That hit my eye!" i yell
"Asswipe?" Jordan questions.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Since we all have work tomorrow we better go to bed it's 12." I say pulling a blanket over me. Calum gets on one side of me and starts to dose off. Jordan gets on the other side and pokes at my cheeks.
"Jordan." I scold. He stops and turns the other way. I slowly close my eyes and start to dose off.
I wake up to my alarm going off on my phone. I groan and start to wake up Calum.
"Cal, you need to get up." He completely ignores me and keeps sleeping. I stand up and run upstairs. I change into boyfriend jeans and baby pink,tight,long sleeve shirt. I put on a black velvet choker with my adidas superstars. I wash my face and cake the shit out of it. I brush my teeth and go back downstairs
"FIRE!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Jordan and Calum scramble to get up.
"Get ready Jordan,Calum i'll drive you by your house so you can get ready." i say grabbing a water. The flip my off and get ready. After calum gets ready at his house we pull into the stores parking lot.
I see Ashton and Holly already working. I walk in with the guys behind me and Ashton looks confused.
"Jordan and Calum are working with us." I say going to the register.
"You can't just hire them without my permission." Ashton says into my ear.
"We need people to work here the days we don't." I say back.
He groans and sits down.
"We need another name." Holly says
"We know." Calum says rolling his eyes.
"What about Fun Vinyls." Holly giggles.
"I can't deal with her already." Jordan whispers into my ear. I laugh and hit his arm lightly.
"Take Vinyl out of it." Ashton suggests.
"How about Jess and Ashton's?" Calum asks
"I won't own this forever." i say
"Why not?" Ashton asks.
"Not my cup of tea." i shrug.
"Well i like it." Ashton says.
"Well what about my name?" Holly asks
"You don't own this, and if you do then you can change it." I say
She pouts and i hear the little bell ring. I look towards the door and the most hot guy i've ever seen walks in.
"Holy shit." I mumble.
"You can't be looking at other guys." Jordan says loud and clear.
"Alllllllll miiiiiiiiine." He drags out hugging me.
"don't touch me." i say pushing him off. We laugh but holly and ashton do not find it funny. I really hate that Ashton is being this way but i won't apologize for something i didn't do.
That hot guy comes up to the counter and Jordan checks him out. I was sitting in the back room ordering new vinyls for the store.
Ashton knocks on the door while entering.
"Can i talk to you?" he asks sitting in the chair across from me.
"You already are so go on."
He sighs and I can notice he's nervous.
"I know that Holly is lying. I feel bad about it but i know. And when she's around you she acts different. Like she acts stupid. But when she is around me she's the exact opposite. I really like her and you are my friend so i want you to like her too."
The word friend hits me right in the gut.
"Ashton I'm truly sorry. I know i didn't handle it well but the things she said she still said. It's not like they went away. I don't need you coming in here and apologizing for her. She needs to do it herself." I say putting my laptop down and staring at him.
"I know i'm trying to make it better." He mumbles into his hands.
"Are we good now?" i ask
"Yes we are lit" he says laughing.
"Get the fuck out." i say pointing towards the door. He laughed even more and plops down on the couch with me.
We scroll through vinyls and an hour later we find ourselves watching "Try Not To Laugh" vines. And for the record, we completely lost that challenge.
Calum barges in and immediately tilts his head.
"First of all, why are you not out here working. Second of all, are you guys good now or......"
he starts all sassy.
"We are and you guys are the employees." Ashton says three times more sassy.
"Ashton we actually own the place." I say standing up.
He gets up and we head back out and wait for more people to spend their money. We only got a couple more people before it reached closing time.
"How much do we get paid?" Jordan asks as i lock the door.
I roll my eyes and hit him lightly. We all get in our cars and say our goodbyes to each other.

i know i never update im sorry

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