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I hear a voice screaming and not even speaking words. I pry open my eyes and stand up. I still clutch on to Ashton's shirt as I walk down the hardwood stairs. The cold wood hits my feet as I reach the living room. My mom is standing up yelling at a guy sitting on our brown leather couch.
"How could you Joe?!" she yells. Apparently that's the guy of the month, maybe even week. I'm really curious what Joe did but I better leave before I get yelled at as well. I walk back upstairs and put on a "Green Day" band tee with black jeans and white converse. I long brown hair in a ponytail and I brush my teeth. I walk back downstairs and go out the glass door out back. I open our wooden fence and sit down on the bench outside out backyard. I text Ashton to come by my house. After about 5 minutes he pulls up behind Joes red pickup. He gets out of his car wearing a grey long sleeve with black jeans and all black converse. He has a black hat on and a smile on his face.
"Let's go hang." he says pulling me up. I almost slap my face but I refrain. I jump into his car and he basically speeds to his house.
"I have a roommate Calum but he hopefully won't bother us." he informs me as we walk in. I was a little shocked by how nicely decorated and pleasing it was. He plops down in a chair and I carefully sit on the white couch.
"Okay the name needs to go." I say chuckling.
"Jess's and Ashton's Store sounds great." he says with his beautiful laugh. I roll my eyes and    at least try to think of something better than what just left his mouth.
"I can't have a lame nameless store Ashton." I say putting my face in my hands.
"Oh my god! That's it!" he yells standing up and sitting next to me.
"What?" I ask lifting up my head with a confused look on my face.
"Lame Vinyls" he says
"Is that better than "Vinyl Vibes" or some shit?" I ask laying down on the couch and propping my feet on Ashton's lap.
"It's amazing because I came up with it." he tells me putting his arms on my legs.
"Technically I came up with it but whatever." I say doing a hair flip, he rolls his eyes and lays back.
"Ashton, we both have school how are we going to do this?" I ask him seriously.
"We could hire that girl that came in yesterday so while we are at school she could run the place." he suggests.
"Ok first of all I don't know her, second of all what if she has school too. You just want her to work there because you think she's hot." I say rolling my eyes and start picking at my nails.
"No Jess,her number is still in the trash and we could get Calum to read it. He can read bad handwriting, and I don't find her "hot."
I stand up and pull him along with me. He grabs his keys and we head back to the store. I unlock the doors and swig them open.
"Find her number." I demand Ashton.
I know he only wants her to work here so he could flirt with her. He's going to wish he didn't suggest her working here, she's going to be working at hell. He finds it and smiles at me. I give him a dirty look and set the door to lock while we go back to his house.
He runs in and I follow him inside. He walks to a white door and knock. The sound of a guitar fills the room but it suddenly stops. Calum opens the door and looks very sleepy.
"What?" he snaps and Ashton just hands him the paper.
He rolls his eyes and squints at it. He mumbles "What the hell?" and holds out his hand.
"Ashton give me your phone." he demands, I completely feel his anger. Ashton pulls out his large phone and Calum types in a number.
Ashton immediately grabs it and walks away while it rings.
"I'm sorry Calum, thank you." I say to him apologizing for Ashton's rudeness.
"It's fine, who are you?" he asks me confused.
"I'm Jess, i work with Ashton." I tell him.
He nods and says "Make sure if you ever have feelings for him to not hold on too tight." I squint my eyes and he slams his door. So clearly this has happened before, I'm not going to deny feelings for Ashton but I'm not going to say "I'm so in love with him."
I walk back I got the living room and he is smiling ear to ear.
"Ok thank so much....Hahaha...Okay....Yeah....Bye." he says into the phone and he runs up to me.
"Guess what she said?" he asks like a little kid.
"I'm guessing she said yes." I say in monotone.
He smiles and nods, I do jazz hands and say "yay!"
This is the first time I've ever wanted to go home.
Ashton sits back down on the couch and pulls out a laptop form the coffee table. He starts to click on things and scrolls. I can't tell what he's doing so I decide to sit next to him.
"I'm ordering some new things for the store." he says, he basically just read my mind. I'm still so mad about the girl thing.
"What's the girls name?"
Ashton and Holly, Ashton and Jess. Ashton and Jess sounds way better.
I sigh and lay my head back. Ashton looks up from the computer and looks at me.
"You're jealous aren't you?" he asks
"No." I lie. I'm so jealous it hurts.
"I know you are. You have nothing to worry about, I promise." I hope he knows that he better keep that promise. I look outside the windows and overlook everything. Ashton kind of lives on top of a hill so you can see almost all of LA. I feel Ashton grab my hand and I look back at him.
"I promise." he says, this is such a minor thing I shouldn't care about.
"Ashton it's not that big of a deal." I say looking back at the window. I hear him sigh and I hear the clicking again. Yet he still hasn't let go of my hand and I find comfort in it. My phone starts ringing and I let go of Ashton's hand and answer it.
"Jess?" I hear Tara's voice say.
"Yeah." I say sitting up straight, Tara never calls me.
"it's Jordan." she says crying and I can her beeping in the back. My heart drops and I stand up.
"Tara what the fuck happened to Jordan?!" I scream.
"His dad got mad and started..." she said trailing off into sounds of crying.
"Send me the address of the hospital and I'll be there." I say hanging up.
"I'll take you." Ashton says getting up and grabbing his keys. I tell Ashton the address and I sit in silence the whole ride. My heart feels like it's dropped to my stomach. Ashton grabs my hand and traces little circles on my hand. As long as he's here I'll be a little better.

Vinyl |:| Ashton Irwin Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя