Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, in a village far away from all the dangerous and mysterious creatures of this brave world, there was a beautiful lady called Nwara. A woman who feared nothing and no one, with her long and blonde hair, like the light of the sun, she used to light up the entire village in a way yet people can not explain properly. She had something so special and pure, that even the worst kinds of creatures, although they were considered a big threat to their people, could be just like the most inoffensive kitties around her. They call it magic... Black magic. Nobody knows, nowadays, if that is really true. But, certainly, many were affected by this witch, this mother of creatures, this nature empowered woman. She was one of the most desirable women in the village, Hulai was not so full of people at that time and that made it easier for all the young men in there to cherish her, since everybody knew who she was. Nwara was incredibly beautiful and because of that, there was always a man trying to get her attention. (Un)fortunately, in vain. She was serious and there was always something more important for her to do rather than finding a husband, like all the other ladies in Hulai. None could say why, but believe it or not, forests were her home for long and cold nights. She was always looking for trees and woods. Leaves and sounds of the rain. It was her personal "hobbie"... If we can call it that way.

Why is she so important? Only because of her mysterious way of walking around forests and not caring for marriage? Only because they say she was a witch? No... Actually not. She built her life in that village. And since she was a kid, she lived there with her family. But one day, after she came back from traveling into the dark forests, Nwara heard that a little girl got very sick and was dying from an unknown disease. The mother of the poor little girl was totally desperate, because no one had ever had any kind of disease in Hulai. Death was a good word. A word that meant rest for the tired ones. They believed that the old, ancient and wise people from their tribe, were in another spiritual level than the others, a level so high that their human bodies could not walk along, that way death was a way to set them free. And have what they deserve for all the goodness they have proportioned for the people around them. But that little girl was a big shock. And the whole village was in crisis and prayer because of her.

Nwara, somehow, knew how to do things so different from the usual medicines they used to see around there. It was like she used exactly the same ingredients to do something completely different from the old ladies' hot soups. It was, for sure, a type of magic. Cause the little girl that was there dying, got healed immediately and at the same hour because of it, Nwara Lai became a success! People started to love her... And people started to hate her. Since she started with the 'magical-soup-remedy', more people started to appear with complaints and asking for her help. Envious with her beauty and popularity, some girls from her neighborhood started up a rumor that her witch powers were only there to make people sick and destroy the village. Some of the boys that were rejected by Nwara during her adolescence, also decided to do a childish revenge and play a little with her reputation saying that all the ingredients were touched by the demons and that she was a possessed girl that was only misleading the village.

Sure no one bought their ideas at first. She was such a nice and honest girl, known since her childhood by all the population, that it was not even possible to doubt her good intentions were not true. But Nwara was getting tired of that, she knew her life was not made to serve the village. It was so much more. She felt lonely. She could not tell anyone about it. About how she was really feeling and what she was really wanting to do. But the day that everything changed came. The peaceful village of Hulai trembled in front of the confront that they suffered when the people from Trauen village, a neighbor (but distant) village of Hulai, decided to take their lands.

A big and strong viking was leading the group of soldiers, and he was the strongest of them all. With his strong arms and scars, it was possible to see how much hate there was in him. But at the same time, his big and penetrating green eyes, showed how much he was needy of caring and how just a little amount of love could change him forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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