The terry thing..

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Samantha's P.O.V.

I can't let hunter see my body. I'm ashamed of it. After what terry did I can't let anyone see me like that. Terry did horrible things to me that ruined me forever, I can't let anyone know. Not hunter, not Jordan, not my grandma. The only person that knows is my mom Anna, and sadly I told her about it at the worst time... On her birthday. I told her everything, how it happened, when and where it happened. It just replays in my head over and over. He tried to rape me, I haven't said that word since I talked to the cops about it. Now there's a law suit out for him and he's filled as a child malster. My mom was mortified when I told her about it a year later. I just couldn't deal with it anymore.. Now it eats me up inside everyday. The nightmares are even worse. In my dreams he did more than try.. I wake up and cry and scream for my mom. I can't handle anyone else finding out and judging me for letting it happen.

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