Chapter 1

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I was what you would call a runaway. Yes i had a home, but yes I was also homeless. Its not like I came from an abusive family or anything like that, its just that I couldnt handle my alchoholic father, and my narsasistic mother who would contridict every word that came out of my mouth. Then there was my asshole of a brother. Call him the 'Golden Child' if you will. Yes he was older, and no he was not all golden. Never mind the fact that he used to sell and smoke pot, and that he had slept with more girls than i could count with on both my hands. Whenever he did something wrong, it always came back to me like it was my fault or something. But when he did something right or good, PRAISE THE LORD DOMINIQUE IS A FREAKING GOD WHO SHOULD BE PRAISED AND WE SHOULD ALL WORSHIP THE GROUND HE WALKS ON. Bullshit. Thats simply the reasons why I left.

Ever since I was thirteen I knew I would most likely end up running away, so I decided to start saving my cash. Thirteen. Pretty young to decide that you were going to leave your "safe and happy home life". Not for me. I was smart. Both in school, and on the streets. I spent many years glued to the tv fascinated with the drug crimes and gang violence that went on in the world. I could identify almost any drug, and if you gave me a gang symbol, i would most likely know it. Crazy huh? Think about it. A fifteen year old girl like myself, shouldnt have so much knowledge on such a "hot topic" especially when i knew how to fight, crack codes, and pick a lock in under thirty seconds. I didnt even live in a bad part of toen, or the ghetto as some would call it. 

I had kept my money stashed away in behind my favorite picture hanging on my wall. It was a tiger. The symbol of strength and honour in many cultures, including the one that i had made inside my head. I had always hoped one day to become an honourable person somehow. But that thought always got lost in my head, when I would realize that in my current living situations, I wouldnt be able to achieve such a great title. 

     As I walked down the quiet streets betweeen my school and my 'house', I had come ot realize that I was starting to get sick. Sure the cold nights with practicly no blankets didnt help, but I usually never got sick. I pulled up my hood, and adjusted my scarf adn breathed in the cool, crisp winter air, and it felt like ice had coated my nose and lungs. Ahhh. This was the feeling I loved most. It made me feel like I was freezing from the inside out, but not in a dying way. In case I wasnt clear in the beginning, yes I still do attend school. I love it and im good at it. The one thing I asked from my parents when I left was that they would keep paying the school fees so I could atleast do the one of the things I loved to do. None of my friends knew about my running, and I liked that they didnt know. No one really liked to come over to my house because it wasnt exactly the greatest, so I never had to worry about someone asking if they could come over. Becasue otherwise, they would be walking about a half a mile only to find a little snow covered tavern I had made myself out of boxes, blankets and extra fabric that I grabbed when I left home. They say that when you run away, you shouldnt bring alot because you could either get robbed or if you had to run, you wouldnt have enough energy to pack it all around. I infact, took atleast five different outfits, three blankets, one comforter, and two pillows. Occasionally, when I knew my family would be away from the house, Id grab the spare key from under the deck, and fill a backpack of food or water and then run back to where I belonged, knowing they wouldnt suspect a single thing. 

     As I reached the school doors, I saw my best friend Melanie outside in her usual spot, where she would meet me evryday in the morning. Melanie and I were alike in many ways. For one, we both had long bleach blonde hair with blue eyes,and we were both very witty and smart. Despite me being 'homeless' I actually had an amazing social life, and I was only in grade ten. I got invited to many parties, and I never had a curfue because I had my own set of rules. And those rules included, homework before anything else, NO drinking, and NO drugs. I had to keep my mind sharp and focused incase someething was to ever happen to me. 

"Why didnt you answer your phone last night Allison? I called a bunch." Melanie asked as we trenched down the hallway in our soggy boots to our lockers.

"Sorry it died and I fell asleep before I could charge it." I replied filling my bag with my subjects needed for the first two blocks.

"Oh alright. So I cant hang out after school, Ive got some err.. buisness to do." she replied flipping her hair over her shoulder, followed by her backpack strap.

"Buisness? What kind of buisness?" I was entrigued. Melanie was essentially a lazy sort of person who didnt like to do anything involving too much effort or work. Except for sports. She loved sports, just like me.

"Just some stuff.. No need to worry."

"Alrighty then. Well Ill see ya later I have AP calculus with Mr. O' Donell." we parted ways and I kept wondering what buisness Melanie had to do that was so secretive. 

The day stretched on, with nothing truly exciting happening. Well except for gym, that was always a stunner. Our soccer game ended with me and Melanie scoring a whopping six goals each, dominating the other team. When we were in the locker room getting changed, Melanie stopped and checked her phone with her skinny jeans half on. 

"C'mon Mell. Atleast get dressed before you check your phone!" our other friend Selena joked. Melanie gave a little smirk and threw her shoe playfully at Selena. The locker room erupted in laughter. 

Gym was the last class of the day, and I was still wondering what Melanie was going to do after school. We walked out to the front of the school together and said our goodbyes, and hugged. I however, stayed back and watched her. She wasnt going her usual way home. Actually, she was going towards the 'ghetto' part of town. Oh no. She would never be able to even walk down the streets in that place. Not a pretty little dime like her. I slowly followed behidn her, without getting too close or too far. James Bond taught me well I have to say. It wasnt long that we were walking, until we reached the outskirts of the gang inhabitted part of town. Chainlinked fences, graffitti and a subtle scent of drugs in the air. Melanie definetely did not belong here. I continued following, until she came to a stop. She was kncking at a door. She quickly looked around, adn I ducked behind the wall. I peeked around once more, just before I saw her enter into the building. 

But WHY?

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