chapter 3

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I began packing my bag for Melanie's house. Since I slept over there so often, i had a good chunk of my clothes and makeup at her house which made me able to pack litely. I would have a long walk before i would get all the way to the upper east side of New York which is where her rich little ass resined. Melanie was infact very rich. Not just the type of rich that gets you the designer clothes and shoes. No she was the type of rich that got you into clubs and parties and VIP tickets to concerts to see the stars and then have them come have tea and cake at your house. Her mom was the very famous and ever so wealthy Lily Blanc. She owned and managed the very succesful company "Blanc Industries and Services". Needless to say, she was an extremely powerful and valuable human being.

Reminding myself that Mel's mom was very powerful got me to thinking that maybe it was becasue of her mom that Melanie was in trouble. What if she wasnt even in trouble and i was just over thinking things? But on the other hand, what if she wasnt in trouble, but she was doign drugs or part of the gang?? I had to think things out strategically about what i was going to do and what I was going to say to her. I mean I couldnt just say, "Hey I followed you to the ghetto and to that door with the symbol on it. So how are you doing with the gang anad the drugs?" I'd be kicked out in seconds. I'd have to find a way to sneek it into conversation or maybe if we saw something on the news. Theres constantly drug related problems on Channel 8.

With the thoughts and questions all set into my head, i began to walk to Mel's house. It would take me atelast an hour to get there.

"hey mel i dont wanna walk all the way there and my mom wont drive me. think u could pick me up??"

"sure thing bbg! ill send dave over with the car be he'll pick u up at the school. see you soon xoxo"

Ok so it wasnt taht long of a walk but id still have to hustle if i wanted to catch Dave in time. Yes Dave was Melanie's driver and he hated it just about as much as i did. Atleast she wasnt sending me the limo. Too flashy and exciting for tonight.

I reached the school grounds in about twenty minutes because I ran half the way. I said hello to Dave and jumped into the black corvette that he had rode up in. It was about a ten minute ride to Mel's house and in this case, it would be a silent ride. I had nothing to say to Dave and he had nothing to say to me, which I was perfectly ok with. I couldnt talk about sports because 1, i didnt have a t.v. and 2. i only watched soccer anyways and it didnt seem like Dave was much of a soccer player or watcher. 

Luckily for both Dave and I, the ride was short and there was alot to look at through the tinted windows in the back seat. We puled up to Melanie's house- sorry mansion- and I quickly got out of the car grabbed my bags from Dave and rushed inside and up to Mel's room. I saw her sitting on her bed with her pink crewneck and leggings on, and her fuzzy pink slippers. 

"Hey Alli!" she greeted me with a warm hug as she hopped off her bed.

"Hey Mel!" I screamed back at her. While we were hugging i took a quick scan around the room looking for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing. Absolutley nothing. Everything was still as pink and frilly as it always has been. 

"K so I'm going to have a quick shower then we'll order sushi and get the movies going! Sound good?" 

"Ya sounds great! I wanted to change anyway, and california rolls?"

"Uh duhh thats all we eat now a days!" 

"Ok great! I'm just gonna go get a glass of water then I'll be back up."

"Kk i'll be in the shower."

When Mel finally got into the bathroom and I heard the taps runnning, I quickly got changed into sweats and went looing around her room for anything that could help me in my search. 

"Please God please just let me find one bag of weed or soemthing like that!" i muttered under my breath as i went through her book shelves looking for anything hidden at the back. Dammit nothing. When i turned around to go look over by the window, I saw just what I needed sitting right there amongst the white cashmere blankets. The silver odity that might determine whether or not my best friend is doing drugs or in a gang. I quickly unlocked it and went straight to her messages. Nothing but a bunch of boys asking her to movie and frozen yogurt dates. Mel wouldnt go for any of these guys and that made me feel a little sad for them. I pressed the home button and went into her contacts. Every single name had an emoticon next to it so it was going to be hard desiffering which one could be a drug dealer or gang member if it had three hearts and  a kissy face next to its name. But as I got near the end, I noticed that there was one name in particular that didnt have anythign next to it. Actually it was just somones initials: W.S.C.. I opened up the contact, whipped out my phone and took a picture just in time for Mel to turn the water taps off. Damn that was quick. Usually she wouldve taken atleast thirty minutes, but this time it was only ten. I jumped off her bed, puttign her phone facedown like it was before and headed down to the kitchen to get the glass of water I'd actually been wanting ever since my run. 

When I entered the kitchen, I saw her mom talking on the phone with someone. I smiled and waved hello then grabbed some water. As I was heading out, I overheard her say somethign that caught my interest. 

"No Bart I dont think that Melanie will be up for that. This is putting so much stress on her as it is and I dont want her to do soemthing she'll regret later on."

What could that mean? Somethign she'll regret? What was happenng in my best friends life that i had no clue about? I didnt know much about what was goign on but I was determined to find out. My friends life could be in jepardy. The real question was how much of my life would i be willing to risk just to save hers?

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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